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Help Center - How do I add a book to my Wish List?

Search Terms:

In order to add a book to your Wish List:

  • Find the book       read about how to find books in the PBS database here.
  • Click on the listing for the book

That's it!

For more information see How the Wish List Works

Note: A book must be currently UnPosted (= unavailable to request) at PBS to be added to your Wish List.

  • A currently available book cannot be added to a Wish List.

Note: The book (ISBN) must be known to the PBS database. 

  • There must already be a listing for the book in the database.  If there is not, search for the ISBN of the book, and sometimes doing this search will add the listing to the database before the routine update would have added it.
  • A non-ISBN item can be added to a Wish List, but doing this is not very effective.  Why not?

Note: There is a limit of 100 items on each A la Carte member Wish List; Limited Membership expands the limit to 200; Standard Membership expands the limit to 500.

Related Links:
What is the Wish List?
How the Wish List Works
Managing your Wish List
How do I add a book that is not in the database to my Wish List (or other list)?
I can't add a book to my Wish List!
What is the Club Wish List?
Posting/Sending a Wish Listed book
About non-ISBN items at PaperBackSwap