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Help Center - I can't add a book to my Wish List!

Search Terms:

Please read How do I add a book to my Wish List? for instructions on how to add a book to your Wish List.

If you are having trouble finding the book in the database:

  • Please see How to find books to request
  • Be sure you are spelling your search terms correctly
  • Be sure you are searching "All Books" or "UnPosted Books" and not just Posted Books

Is the book currently available?

  • Currently available items cannot be Wish Listed. See How the Wish List Works
  • If an item is currently available, it will have an Order This Book button on the listing.
    • You can add the book to your Reminder List if you don't want to request it now, but want to keep track of it to consider requesting it later.

Is the book known to the PBS database?

Have you reached the Wish List limit for your account?

If you get the message that a book cannot be added to your Wish List when you click to add it to Wish List, that means you have reached the limit of 100 items (or 200 items for Limited Membership , or 500 items for Standard Membership) on your Wish List.

  • If you look at your Wish List and see fewer than your Limit on there, then please re-sort your Wish List by title or Date added (anything but an author sort). 
    • The Date Added or Title sorts will show the true number of items on your Wish List
    • The Author sort will "hide" those items that don't have authors listed for that ISBN in the database.

You can supply author names where they are missing using the Edit Book Data link under the "More Options" menu on the Book Details page.   For full instructions on how to do this, please read If the information on a book listing in the database is incorrect/incomplete...

Are you using the Wish List Expander but not choosing the book on the Expand Wish page?

  • You need to click the "Add wish" button on the left of each item on the Expand Wish page that you want to add to your Wish List. Then click Back at the top right of the Expand Wish page.

Is this a book with a LOT of existing versions? If so, and you are using the Wish Expander, the version you want might not show on the "alternate versions" screen that comes up after you click to add to your Wish List.

  • So what you have to do in order to wish list that specific ISBN is to
    • Turn the Wish Expander OFF by clicking Options at the top of your Wish List and UNchecking the box next to "Show me alternate versions when I wish for a book."
    • Then search for the ISBN you want and add it to your Wish List
    • (Then you can turn the Wish List Expander ON again from the top of your Wish List, by clicking Options and re-checking the box next to "Show me alternate versions when I wish for a book")

Are you trying to add a book to your Wish List without having entered a mailing address into your Account Settings?

  • You need to enter your mailing address into your account settings in My Account > Settings.

Related items: 

How do I add a book to my Wish List?
How the Wish List Works