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Help Center - What is the Club Wish List?

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The Club Wish List is a list of ALL items currently wished for by members of the Club. The Club Wish List is accessible from the menu that drops down under Search in the main toolbar at the top of any page on the site.

Why use the Club Wish List?

  • You can see if anyone is currently wishing for an ISBN you have.
    • This can help you decide which book to read next! 
    • If many people are wishing for a book on your TBR Pile, you might want to get to that one first so you can Post it and get a quick request.
  • You can see what specific books other people are wishing for before you hit library or used-book sales.
    • Make sure to note the ISBNs of a title being Wished for, so you don't buy the "wrong" version of a book.
    • You can search the Club Wish List by title, but this will not tell you if someone wants your version of a book.
    • You can also search by genre, to get an idea of what the "hot genres" are before you hit a book sale.
  • You can find books you might want to add to your own Wish List, that you might not have known about.



Related Links:

How to use the Club Wish List
I have a book on the Club Wish List. Can I contact the wisher?
I have a book on the Club Wish List but it doesn't have an ISBN
My book's on the Club Wish List, with a different/no ISBN
My book's on the Club Wish List! Why hasn't it been requested?
What is the Wish List?
How the Wish List Works
Posting and Sending a Wish Listed book
I posted a Wish Listed book I can't send!
Posting/Sending a Wish Listed book
What is the Daily Wish List?
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