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  • 701,609 Books and Growing Daily - No other swapping site on the Internet offers this many books to choose from.
  • Wish List - If you ever want a book that is not currently available in the system, just add it to your Wish List and we will notify you when it becomes available. You can even set your Wish List to automatically order them for you!
  • Book Wrapper - The easiest way to mail your books, no question. You don't need to hand-write the address. You can even print postage right onto the wrapper! This is a PaperBackSwap exclusive.
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  • Saved Searches - Do you find yourself always performing the same searches looking for a particular author or type of book? Just save the search and you can run it with one click, whenever you like! Yet another PaperBackSwap exclusive.
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  • Book Wiki - Our searchable database of book information (series, characters, setting, events), created and edited by the membership, that helps you find the next book you want to read.
  • Book Passport - Where has your book been? Where does it go after you swap it? Track the journeys of your books around the country!
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