"People nearly always believe, and are willing to back it up with weapons and cruelty, that their religion and way of life is better than the other person's." -- Caroline B. Cooney
Caroline B. Cooney (born May 10, 1947) is an American author of suspense, romance, horror and mystery books for teenagers.
"Actually my first eight books were historical novels, but they were never published.""I approach serious subjects, and I like to have the good guys win and have the parents among the good guys.""I believe my readers are crazy about their parents and want to be just like them when they grow up.""I believe my voice is pretty much the same. I've written 75 books, so I'm better at it now than I was earlier in my career.""I decided to write short stories because they got rejected quicker.""I get letters from readers who say that they have always hated reading, but somebody suggested one of my books, they actually finished the book and enjoyed it, and they're going on to read another book. I'm thrilled that they have figured out that reading is fun.""I love all of it, thinking up the plots, getting to know the kids in the story, their parents, backyards, pizza toppings.""I love writing and do not know why it is considered such a difficult, agonizing profession.""I wrote eight full-length adult novels in my twenties. None of them were published.""I'm one of the lucky writers: plots come easily to me.""If you write a story based on a real person, you're trapped by the details of the real person and his life. It gets in the way of writing your own story.""My favorite book is always the one I'm working on at the moment."
Caroline B. Cooney was born on May 10, 1947 in Geneva, New York. However, she lived most of her childhood years in Greenwich, Connecticut.
An avid reader, Cooney read many books while in elementary school. Three books that she recalls particularly liking were Sword of The man by Elizabeth Coalsworth, Indian Captive by Lois Lenski, and Black River Captive by West Lanthrop. Cooney played the piano, directed a chorus and was a church organ player by the time she was 13. During college, she studied arts, music and English. At least two of her works have been made into films for television. She wrote the book titled "The Face on the Milk Carton" which was later made into a Hollywood production. She never graduated from college. She went on to be a mother and wife.She has written over 60 books beginning with Safe as the Grave in 1979. Her most recent publication is They Never Came Back.