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Janet B. (OkieGirl) - Reviews

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The Blood Gospel (Order of the Sanguines, Bk 1)
The Blood Gospel (Order of the Sanguines, Bk 1)
Author: James Rollins, Rebecca Cantrell
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/30/2013

Okay, I will start by saying I love James Rollins books. Until now. This book was a major disappointment. I won't be a spoiler but I will warn those with deep Christian beliefs that you will find this book blasphemous. That aside, the story is so far out there that it is ridiculous. I was deep into the book when things started to fall apart for me. By then I was committed to finish it. If I had known which way the religious information was going, I never would have read it. It also is a book in a series and I had no real finish to this book. I will not read the next one. Perhaps it was the incorrect religious info that turned me so against it. Yes, but also the over the edge, off the chain plot. I like wild plots but this was just too much. Perhaps Rollins doesn't need to write with another person? Something went terribly askew. Rollins jumping on the supernatural monster bandwagon, I guess. He's better than that. Shame.

Full Dark, No Stars
Full Dark, No Stars
Author: Stephen King
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/26/2011
Helpful Score: 1

King is a master and I love his short stories. The reader just doesn't see it coming. His endings are deliciously twisted. King does a thorough inspection of what lies beneath the surface; what people are truly capable of doing under the right circumstances. What happens when a man kills his wife and enlists the help of his son to do it? What happens when a rapist/serial killer's victim survives and does some detective work of her own? What happens when a woman discovers her husband's terrible secret? What happens when you can give away your illness, your pain and suffering? Those are the questions answered in this short story compilation. You will enjoy this. I did.

Go Set a Watchman
Go Set a Watchman
Author: Harper Lee
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/29/2015

Let me start by stating that To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite books of all time and the movie is my favorite movie of all time. I grew up in the south and Scout's childhood was pretty much my childhood. Mockingbird was proclaimed the greatest novel of its century. Rightly so. Now, the question is, will Go Set A Watchman be declared the greatest novel of this century? Perhaps. I haven't waited so impatiently for a novel's release since the last Dan Brown book (he's addictive). I was not disappointed! I read this in two evenings. I couldn't stop reading it until the wee hours of the morning. From the very first page, I knew it was Harper Lee. It felt familiar, although things have changed for Scout and the other characters. There are no static characters here. Everyone learns, changes. The novel is bittersweet but breathtaking. There is the same warmth and atmosphere created through the many flashbacks to Jean Louise's childhood. A changed Atticus. Seemingly, a shadow of his former physical self. Jean Louise would like to go home again. But is that ever really possible? Her realizations of her father and others are earth shattering to her. Ultimately, it is she who has to change, in a way, and learn to live in a new world, a new home, with a new perception of her father. Atticus is human after all and Jean Louise must come to grips with that fact. I noticed a couple of facts that I thought were different from Mockingbird. Watchman fleshes out almost everything we wanted to know about Jean Louise and what she has grown to be. Sadly, lost is one character that should still be. And Scout's uncle becomes a voice of reason in her unreasonable world. Jean Louise has flaws; she always did. And those flaws explode in this novel. Surprise! Atticus has flaws; he always did. And his flaws explode in this novel. Jean Louise will be disillusioned with truth. But truth is necessary for one to make good decisions. I found truth and wisdom here. And many of the problems our nation is struggling with today are found here. Ultimately, though, there is love here; the love of a father and daughter, of home. And love always has a hard time dying. I highly recommend this novel.I gave it five stars. And I will probably read it again.

The Kite Runner
The Kite Runner
Author: Khaled Hosseini
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/24/2011

I loved this book! There are some horrific things that happen in this book, but life isn't always pretty. This story is told with such love. I laughed with and cried with these characters. I had forgotten how much I love a character driven novel because I have been reading too many plot driven thrillers. Do yourself a favor and read this book. And no, I haven't seen the movie and I won't. I don't want any other version of this story to ruin my experience with this book. A big bonus was that I got to meet the author and got my book signed! A fantastic story!

The Messiah Code
The Messiah Code
Author: Michael Cordy
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/10/2011

This book was a good read and I did enjoy it. It is probably another Da Vinci Code wannabe but done fairly well. However, there were many implausible scenes. The basic idea of DNA being able to heal is good, but the way in which it heals in this book is implausible. The main character is an athiest/scientist with a sick child. There is a religious fanatic assasin running around doing "God's work." There is a secret society keeping watch for the coming Messiah. There is quite a twist at one point. But if you are even slightly religious, this ending is not gonna leave you feeling very good about anything religious.

Pope, The  The Prophecy and the Promise
Pope, The The Prophecy and the Promise
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/4/2013

I read this in one sitting. Catholics raised in Marian devotion will not like this book or it will open their eyes. The author uses scripture to refute Marian devotional practices and Catholic doctrine side by side with biblical scripture to show error. The prophecies of St. Malachy are discussed. According to the author, the one world government and one world religion of the end times is looming. He discusses the last couple of popes and their influences. Very interesting. I recommend the book.

The Rum Diary
The Rum Diary
Author: Hunter S. Thompson
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 11/28/2011

Selfish, shallow, ugly, unlikeable, disengaged characters doing selfish, shallow, ugly, unlikeable, disengaged things in an endless, lost drunken haze. Losers all! I hated this book. It was so unmemorable that I believe I read it 25 yrs ago in school and didn't remember I read it until a specific scene later in the book. Maybe I just can't relate. Thankfully, it was only 200 pages long. Thompson was a capable writer but these characters are just so undigestable. One word - pointless! Was there a point? Little if any moral lessons learned or won. If you want a good book, read The Kite Runner. Find some characters worth caring about and cheering for - not this useless lot.

The Thieves of Heaven (Michael St. Pierre, Bk 1)
The Thieves of Heaven (Michael St. Pierre, Bk 1)
Author: Richard Doetsch
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/7/2014

I really enjoyed this book. Engaging characters, interesting plot, good writing. Moves along at a good pace. I found myself caring about the characters. The reformed thief (good guy) is forced to steal the Keys of Heaven. Very interesting plot involving religious/supernatural scenarios. Not very bloody and gory like some books are these days. Early on, I realized that I had read this book before but couldn't quite remember the ending. The book is so good, I went ahead and read it again.

The Weapon of Prayer
The Weapon of Prayer
Author: E. M. Bounds
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/1/2012

Good book. Uplifting. This man knows a lot about prayer.

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