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ROB L. (mrrob) - , - Bulletin Board

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ROB L. (mrrob) - , 's Bulletin Board Entries

ROB L. (mrrob) - , : WANTED: CDc/DVDs DEAD OR ALIVE!

CDs/DVDs Wanted!

I recycle CDs & DVDs. Doesn't matter what is on them as they become unreadable when I get through with them. I can only use discs that are not broken or cracked. If anyone out there has some ready to be tossed, send me a message! Once I know how many you have, I'll send you a PREPAID self addressed label you can use to send them to me. It won't cost you a thing! All you'll need to do is mail 'em to me. Thanks!

Entry added on 1/16/2017 8:42 PM
Last edited on 1/16/2017 8:45 PM
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