This book is beautiful. The story isn't, but the language and the imagery is wonderful. How can you not love this sentence: "He gives me more joy than I can ever give to him"? Who hasn't felt that way in a relationship at times?
Noreen, with her fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants attitude, reminds me of Francesca Lia Block's "Weetzie Bat." I felt sorry for her throughout this book; it felt like she never caught a break, and wasn't as "heartless" as you'd think. Yes, she creates her own world through avoidance of responsibility, but that's also a normal 17-year-old's M.O. sometimes. I found the characters to be real, and the situations, while at times preciously coincidental, are true-to-life. No magical ending (it's rather bittersweet, honestly), which leaves you wanting more.
Noreen, with her fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants attitude, reminds me of Francesca Lia Block's "Weetzie Bat." I felt sorry for her throughout this book; it felt like she never caught a break, and wasn't as "heartless" as you'd think. Yes, she creates her own world through avoidance of responsibility, but that's also a normal 17-year-old's M.O. sometimes. I found the characters to be real, and the situations, while at times preciously coincidental, are true-to-life. No magical ending (it's rather bittersweet, honestly), which leaves you wanting more.
even at the end of the book i wanted to strangle the "heartless girl". a frustrating book but easy to read.