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Search - List of Books by T. THORN COYLE

T. Thorn Coyle is a San Francisco-based author and teacher in the Feri Tradition. She also teaches in the Reclaiming tradition.

Coyle is author of Evolutionary Witchcraft, published by Tarcher/Penguin, 2004. The book offers exercises and meditations from the Feri Tradition as tools for personal growth and empowerment. She has also recorded two Pagan rock CDs, Face of a New Day and Give us a Kiss!, as well as an instructional DVD, Devotional Dance. With Sharon Knight, she wrote and recorded two albums of pagan devotional music, Songs for the Waning Year: A Collection of Chants to Celebrate the Dark Time of the Year and Songs for the Strengthening Sun: A Collection of Chants to Celebrate the Return of the Sun. She also contributed to the Pandemonaeon album Dangerous Beauty.

In 2008, Coyle began producing a series of podcasts called " Elemental Castings" wherein she interviews practitioners of a variety of magical and mystical traditions on their study and work with the classical elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Aether (or Spirit).

Coyle's second book, Kissing the Limitless: Deep Magic and the Great Work of Transforming Yourself and the World, was released on February 10, 2009.

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