Helpful Score: 4
I actually liked this one much better than the last 2 shopaholic books. In this one, Becky is wrapping up her extended honeymoon only to find she has a half sister. She is shocked to learn that her sister is frugal and hates to shop. She wants to change her ways to impress her sister and that helped me to like Becky a lot more. I was very annoyed by her antics in Shopaholic Takes Manhattan and Shopaholic Ties the Knot because she wasn't learning anything or growing as a character for me. In this one, however, she had more depth and I liked that. Now I'm really looking forward to reading Shopaholic and Baby!

Helpful Score: 2
So far, this is the best of the Shopaholic series. I was frustrated with Becky. I really wanted to slap her silly. Her spending was outrageous. That's why it's taken me forever to get through this series. I can't handle the over-indulgence and stupidity of the main character. I guess I felt like her sister, Jess. Always the frugal one, pinching pennies wherever I can. But, unfortunately, I know people like Becky. They never realize how misguided and shallow they seem. It's always someone else's fault. With recession on the horizon, I hope these people realize the hole they've gotten themselves into and try to dig themselves out. There's time!
Helpful Score: 2
I've read this series and loved every book so far. This one was good, but not as enjoyable as the previous ones. Less shopping and more trouble making!
Helpful Score: 2
Helpful Score: 2
I was a bit disappointed in this one. I was rooting so hard for Becky, and her sister was so cold to her. I wanted more humor and warmth in this one.