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Search - List of Books by Lila Abu-Lughod

Lila Abu-Lughod is an American professor of anthropology and Women's and Gender Studies at Columbia University in New York, daughter of prominent Palestinian academic Ibrahim Abu-Lughod and the American sociologist Janet Lippman.

She graduated from Carleton College in 1974, and obtained her PhD from Harvard University in 1984. She is married to Columbia University professor of Middle Eastern politics Timothy Mitchell.

Abu-Lughod has taught at Williams College, Princeton University, and New York University, and has become known for her research on the Bedouin from the Awlad 'Ali tribe in Egypt.

In 2001, she delivered the Lewis Henry Morgan Lecture at the University of Rochester, considered by many to be the most important annual lecture series in the field of anthropology. She was named a Carnegie Scholar in 2007 to research the topic: "Do Muslim Women Have Rights? The Ethics and Politics of Muslim Women's Rights in an International Field." She supports an academic boycott of Israel.

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Total Books: 14
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