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Search - List of Books by Keith Gessen

Keith Gessen (born Kostya Gessen, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 1975) is the co-editor-in-chief of n+1, a twice-yearly magazine of literature, politics and culture based, in New York City.

Born Kostya Gessen, he, his parents and sisters moved to the United States in 1981 "to escape state-enforced anti-Semitism" and settled in the Boston area, living in Brighton, Brookline and Newton, Massachusetts.

He graduated from Harvard College, where his major was Russia in America. Gessen completed the course work for his Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Syracuse University in 2004 but did not receive a degree, having failed to submit "a final original work of fiction".Gessen has written about Russia for The Atlantic and the New York Review of Books. In 2005, Dalkey Archive Press published Gessen's translation of Svetlana Alexievich’s Tchernobylskaia Molitva (Voices from Chernobyl), an oral history of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

Gessen has also written about books for magazines including Dissent, Slate, Bookforum and New York, where he was the regular book critic.

His first novel, All the Sad Young Literary Men, was published in April 2008 and received mixed reviews. Joyce Carol Oates wrote that "in this debut novel there is much that is charming and beguiling, and much promise," and Jonathan Franzen has said of Gessen, "it's so delicious the way he writes. I like it a lot."New York Magazine, on the other hand, called it "self-satisfied" and "boringly solipsistic."

In an August 2008 interview, Gessen revealed that he is moving back to Russia for a year, returning in June 2009, while his sister attends graduate school in the United States.

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