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Search - List of Books by Karl Marx

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." -- Karl Marx
Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 — March 14, 1883) was a German philosopher, political economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, communist, and revolutionary, whose ideas played a significant role in the development of modern communism and socialism. Marx summarized his approach in the first line of chapter one of The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848: "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."

Marx argued that capitalism, like previous socioeconomic systems, would inevitably produce internal tensions which would lead to its destruction. Just as capitalism replaced feudalism, he believed socialism would, in its turn, replace capitalism, and lead to a stateless, classless society called pure communism. This would emerge after a transitional period called the "dictatorship of the proletariat": a period sometimes referred to as the "workers state" or "workers' democracy". In section one of The Communist Manifesto Marx describes feudalism, capitalism, and the role internal social contradictions play in the historical process:
We see then: the means of production and of exchange, on whose foundation the bourgeoisie built itself up, were generated in feudal society. At a certain stage in the development of these means of production and of exchange, the conditions under which feudal society produced and exchanged ... the feudal relations of property became no longer compatible with the already developed productive forces; they became so many fetters. They had to be burst asunder; they were burst asunder. Into their place stepped free competition, accompanied by a social and political constitution adapted in it, and the economic and political sway of the bourgeois class. A similar movement is going on before our own eyes ... The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of the conditions of bourgeois property; on the contrary, they have become too powerful for these conditions, by which they are fettered, and so soon as they overcome these fetters, they bring order into the whole of bourgeois society, endanger the existence of bourgeois property.

Marx argued for a systemic understanding of socio-economic change. He argued that the structural contradictions within capitalism necessitate its end, giving way to socialism:
The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.
—(The Communist Manifesto)

On the other hand, Marx argued that socio-economic change occurred through organized revolutionary action. He argued that capitalism will end through the organized actions of an international working class: "Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality will have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence."

While Marx remained a relatively obscure figure in his own lifetime, his ideas and the ideology of Marxism began to exert a major influence on workers' movements shortly after his death. This influence gained added impetus with the victory of the Bolsheviks in the Russian October Revolution in 1917, and few parts of the world remained significantly untouched by Marxian ideas in the course of the twentieth century. Marx is typically cited, with Émile Durkheim and Max Weber, as one of the three principal architects of modern social science.

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Karl Marx", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 985
Capital Critique of Political Economy Volume 1
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The German Ideology
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Genres: History, Nonfiction

Quaderno Spinoza
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ISBN-10: 8830104388
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The Communist Manifesto A 1888 Translation Edition
2021 - The Communist Manifesto a 1888 Translation Edition [The Political Philosophy of Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9798741948651
ISBN-10: N/A
Genres: Business & Money, Literature & Fiction, Reference, Politics & Social Sciences

The Communist Manifesto The Political Classic
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ISBN-13: 9780857088765
ISBN-10: 0857088769
Genres: Literature & Fiction, Nonfiction, Law, Politics & Social Sciences

Manuscrits de 1844
2021 - Manuscrits De 1844 (Other)Paperback
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ISBN-10: 2080206664

The Communist Manifesto
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Genre: Politics & Social Sciences

Misre de la philosophie
2019 - Misre De La Philosophie (Other)Paperback
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The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital
2019 - The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital [Knickerbocker Classics] (Paperback)
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ISBN-10: 0785837027
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences

Capital Vol 1 2  3 The Only Complete and Unabridged Edition in One Volume
The Communist Manifesto A Graphic Novel
The Communist Manifesto  Selected Writings
2018 - The Communist Manifesto Selected Writings [Macmillan Collector's Library] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9781509852956
ISBN-10: 1509852956
Genres: History, Politics & Social Sciences

The Communist Manifesto With Related Documents
2017 - The Communist Manifesto with Related Documents [Bedford Series in History and Culture] (Paperback)Hardcover
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ISBN-10: 131909483X
Genre: History

Value Price and Profit
2017 - Value Price and Profit (Paperback)Paperback, Hardcover
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Wage Labour and Capital
2017 - Wage Labour and Capital (Paperback)Paperback
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Genre: Politics & Social Sciences

The Art of War / The Prince / Manifesto of the Communist Party
2016 - The Art of War / the Prince / Manifesto of the Communist Party [The Great Currents of Thought. - Volume 1] (Paperback)Paperback, Hardcover, Audio Cassette, Audio CD
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ISBN-10: 1540762491
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences

The Communist Manifesto / The April Theses
2016 - The Communist Manifesto / the April Theses (Hardcover)
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ISBN-10: 178478690X
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences

La Sagrada Familia
2016 - La Sagrada Familia [Spanish Edition] (Paperback)Paperback
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ISBN-10: 1539500586
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The Communist Manifesto Manifesto of the Communist Party
2016 - The Communist Manifesto Manifesto of the Communist Party (Paperback)Paperback
ISBN-13: 9781537747750
ISBN-10: 1537747754
Genres: History, Politics & Social Sciences

2016 - Manifiesto Comunista [Spanish Edition] (Paperback)Paperback
2015 - El Capital Tomo I [Spanish Edition] (Paperback)Paperback
2013 - El Manifiesto Comunista [Ilustrados - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
2013 - Manifeste Du Parti Communiste [French Edition] (Paperback)Paperback
2013 - Capital Critica Da Economia Politica Livro 1 [Em Portugues do Brasil] (Paperback)
2012 - Critica Do Programa De Gotha [Em Portugues do Brasil] (Paperback)
2012 - Lutas De Classe Na Franca [Em Portugues do Brasil] (Paperback)
2011 - Ecrits Philosophiques [French Edition] (Paperback)
2011 - Carlos Marx Y Federico Engels Textos Escogidos [Biblioteca Marxista - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
2011 - El Manifi Esto Comunista Captulo Dos La Burguesa [Ilustrado - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
2011 - The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte [Fresh New Revised Edition of Full Translation and Picture - Chinese Edition] (Paperback)
2011 - Grundrisse Manuscritos Economicos De 18571858 [Em Portugues do Brasil] (Paperback)
2010 - Le Chapitre VI [French Edition] (Paperback)
2010 - Revolution and War [Penguin Great Ideas] (Paperback)Paperback
2010 - The Revolutions of 1848 Political Writings [Vol. 1 - Marx's Political Writings] (Hardcover)Paperback
2010 - The First International and After Political Writings [Vol. 3 - Marx's Political Writings] (Hardcover)Paperback
2010 - Surveys From Exile Political Writings [Vol. 2 - Marx's Political Writings] (Hardcover)Paperback
2010 - The Poverty of Philosophy [Classic Reprint] (Paperback)
2010 - Liudvig Feierbakh S Prilozheniiami [Russian Edition] (Paperback)
2010 - Notes on Indian History [664-1858] (Paperback)
2009 - Capital [Volume 2] (Paperback)
2009 - Zur Judenfrage [German Edition] (Paperback)
2008 - Manifiesto Del Partido Comunista [spanish edition] (Paperback)
2008 - Locke (Paperback)
2008 - Le Capital [French Edition] (Paperback)
2008 - Dieciocho Brumario De Luis Bonaparte [Biblioteca Marxista - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
2008 - Las Luchas De Clases En Francia De 1848 a 1850 [Biblioteca Marxista - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
2008 - Capital Livres 1 2 3 [Folio Essais - French Edition] (Paperback)
2008 - Capital an Abridged Edition [Oxford World's Classics] (Paperback)
2007 - Los Debates De La Dieta Renana/ Discussions of Renana Diet [Dimension Clasica - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
2007 - O Manifesto Comunista [Xerais Peto. De Liberacions] (Paperback)
2007 - Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 [Dover Books on Western Philosophy] (Paperback)
2006 - The Essential Marx [Dover Books on Western Philosophy] (Paperback)
2005 - The Communist Manifesto and Other Writings [Barnes & Noble Classics] (Hardcover)
2005 - Manifiesto Comunista/ Communist Manifest [Ciencia Sociales / Social Science - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
2005 - Collected Works Correspondence V 50 [Collected Works of Marx & Engels] (Hardcover)
2003 - El Dieciocho Brumario De Luis Bonaparte / the 18 Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte [El Libro De Bolsillo-Ciencias Sociales - Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
2002 - El Capital/ the Capital [Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
2002 - The Wisdom of Karl Marx [Wisdom Library] (Paperback)
2001 - El Capital Libro Primero Vol 1 [Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
1999 - Collected Works Vol 48 [Collected Work of Marx & Engel] (Hardcover)
1999 - Marx on Suicide [Psychosocial Issues] (Paperback)Hardcover
1999 - The Communist Manifesto with Related Documents [The Bedford Series in History and Culture] (Paperback)
1998 - The German Ideology Including Thesis on Feuerbach [Great Books in Philosophy] (Paperback)
1998 - Collected Works Capital Pt 3 [Collected Works of Marx & Engels] (Hardcover)
1998 - Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)Hardcover
1997 - Collected Works Capital Pt 2 [Collected Works of Marx & Engels] (Hardcover)
1997 - Studienausgabe [German Edition] (Paperback)
1996 - Collected Works Karl Marx Capital Vol II [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
1996 - Marx Later Political Writings [Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought] (Hardcover)Paperback
1995 - The Collected Works [v. 47] (Hardcover)
1995 - Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works Engels 188386 [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
1994 - Marx Early Political Writings [Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought] (Hardcover)Paperback
1989 - Collected Works [v. 30] (Hardcover)
1987 - Marx Selections [The Great Philosophers Series] (Paperback)
1987 - Collected Works Capital Pt 1 [Collected Works of Marx & Engels] (Hardcover)
1987 - Karl Marx Frederick Engels Marx and Engels Collected Works 187071 [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
1981 - Capital V 3 [Pelican] (Paperback)
1981 - Basic Writings Politics P [Fontana Classics of History] (Other)
1980 - El Capital De Karl Marx [síntesis] (Other)
1979 - Kapital Das [Everyman's Library] (Hardcover)
1978 - On Dialectical Materialism [Anthologies of Marx & Engels] (Hardcover)
1978 - Hague Congress of the First International [Anthologies of Marx & Engels] (Hardcover)
1978 - The Marxengels Reader [2nd Edition] (Paperback)
1977 - Critique of Hegel's 'philosophy of Right' [Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics] (Paperback)Hardcover
1974 - On Society and Social Change [Heritage of Society] (Paperback)
1973 - Political Writings Surveys From Exile V 2 [The Pelican Marx Library] (Paperback)
1973 - Political Writings the Revolutions of 1848 V 1 [The Pelican Marx Library] (Paperback)
1973 - Capital V 1 [Everyman Paperbacks] (Paperback)
1973 - Capital V 2 [Everyman Paperbacks] (Paperback)
1972 - Early Texts [Political Texts] (Hardcover)Paperback
1972 - The Ethnological Notebooks of Karl Marx [Studies of Morgan, Phear, Maine, Lubbock] (Other)
1971 - On the Paris Commune [Anthologies of Marx & Engels] (Paperback)
1970 - German Ideology Part 1 and Selections From Parts 2 and 3 [German Ideology Selections from Pts 2 3] (Paperback)
1968 - Oeuvres T2 [French Edition] (Other)
1963 - Oeuvres T1 [French Edition] (Other)
Karl Marx Essential Writings [The Essential writings of the great philosophers] (Other)
Marx and Engels on Law [Law, State, and Society Series] (Hardcover)
On Economics [Pelican S.] (Paperback)
Oeuvres Vol 4 [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade] (Other)
Political Writings [The Pelican Marx library] (Hardcover)
Surveys From Exile [His Political writings, v. 2] (Hardcover)
Ireland and the Irish Question [New World paperbacks] (Other)
Karl Marx Frederick Engels Marx and Engels Collected Works 185658 [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
Karl Marx Frederick Engels Marx and Engels Collected Works 185860 [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
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Karl Marx Frederick Engels Marx and Engels Collected Works 186770 [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
Karl Marx Frederick Engels Marx and Engels Collected Works 187483 [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
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Collected Works 18441851 Marx Engels [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
Collected Works 18521855 Marx and Engels [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
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Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works Engels 189092 [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works Engels 189295 [Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works] (Hardcover)
Oeuvres Vol 1 [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade] (Other)
Oeuvres Vol 2 [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade] (Other)
Oeuvres Vol 3 [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade] (Other)
First Indian War of Independence [Anthologies of Marx & Engels] (Hardcover)
Selected Correspondence [Anthologies of Marx & Engels] (Hardcover)
First International [Anthologies of Marx & Engels - v. 1] (Hardcover)
Marx and Engels Collected Works the Correspondence August 1890september 1892 [Collected Works of Marx and Engels - Collected Works of Marx & Engels - v. 49] (Hardcover)
Notebook on the Paris Commune Press Excerpts Notes [Independent Socialist clippingbooks] (Other)
La Interna Milito En Francio [La Pariza Komunumo; in Esperanto] (Paperback)
Euvres [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade - French Edition] (Other)
Sur La Question Juive [French Edition] (Paperback)
Der Briefwechsel [DTV reprint - German Edition] (Other)
Die Fruhschriften [Kroners Taschenausgabe - German Edition] (Hardcover)
Fruhe Schriften [His Werke, Schriften ; Bd. 1 - German Edition] (Hardcover)
Politische Schriften [His Werke, Schriften ; Bd. 3 - German Edition] (Hardcover)
Karl Marx Uber Religion Und Emanzipation [Protestantismus und Sozialismus ; Bd. 1, 2 - German Edition] (Other)
Mathematische Manuskripte [Scriptor Taschenbucher : Sozialwissenschaften ; S 10 - German Edition] (Hardcover)
Karl Marx Gemalde [German Edition] (Hardcover)
Aufzeichnungen Uber Die Rumanen Excerpthefte [Berichte und Studien der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V. Munchen - German Edition] (Other)
Makesi En'gesi Shu XIn Lun Zhe Xue [Mandarin Chinese Edition] (Other)
Antologia Sistematica De Marx [Agora - Spanish Edition] (Other)
Escorpion Y Felix [Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
Poemas [Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
Simon Bolivar [Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
O Capital [Em Portuguese do Brasil] (Paperback)
Ideologia Alema [Em Portuguese do Brasil] (Paperback)
O 18 Brumario De Luis Bonaparte [Em Portuguese do Brasil] (Paperback)
Misria Da Filosofia [Em Portuguese do Brasil] (Paperback)
A Ideologia Alem [Em Portuguese do Brasil] (Paperback)
Sobre O Suicdio [Em Portuguese do Brasil] (Paperback)
Manifesto Comunista [Em Portuguese do Brasil] (Other)
Manifestos Comunistas [Em Portuguese do Brasil] (Paperback)
El Capital Critica De La Economia Poliitca [Biblioteca del Pensamiento Socialista] (Paperback)