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James Galvin (born 1951 in Chicago) is an American poet. - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More - James Galvin He has published six collections of poetry, most recently As Is (Copper Canyon Press, 2009), "X: Poems," and Resurrection Update, Collected Poems, 1975-1997 (Copper Canyon Press, 1997) which was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award, the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize, and the Poet’s Prize. He is also the author of the critically acclaimed prose book The Meadow (Holt, 1992) and a novel, Fencing the Sky (Holt, 1999).

In 2005, Galvin along with Barry Lopez, Peter Matthiessen, and Terry Tempest Williams was hailed in Mark Tredinnick's The Land's Wild Music (Trinity University Press, 2005) in which Tredinnick analyzed how the landscape nourished and developed Galvin's writing.

For more than 30 years, Galvin has been crafting poems that convey a profound sense of place, capturing both the harshness and beauty of the rural American West. In particular he vividly reveals a western landscape, a homeland, that is often devastating and, seemingly, on the verge of blowing away (The soil of Oklahoma/ Is leaving again./ Heaven is west of where it falls.) Galvin’s vision and voice are ennobled by a profound sense of obligation to the hard-bitten survivors of this eroding landscape.

The Meadow blends fact and fiction into a haunting story depicting the hundred-year history of a high country meadow along the Colorado—Wyoming border. The 100 brief vignettes are remarkable for their sympathetic portrayals of men and women...rugged individualists and family in symbiosis with this beautiful but unforgiving land.

He has a home, some land, and some horses outside of Tie Siding, Wyoming, and he is a member of the permanent faculty of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, at the University of Iowa.

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