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Search - List of Books by Greg Egan

"I hadn't given much thought to the prospect of a Hugo nomination at the time it happened, but obviously once you're nominated, winning one seems a bit less far-fetched than before." -- Greg Egan
Greg Egan (born 20 August 1961) is an Australian science fiction author.

Egan specialises in hard science fiction stories with mathematical and quantum ontology themes, including the nature of consciousness. Other themes include genetics, simulated reality, posthumanism, mind uploading, sexuality, artificial intelligence, and the superiority of rational naturalism over religion. He is a Hugo Award winner (with eight other works shortlisted for the Hugos), and has also won the John W Campbell Memorial Award for Best Novel. His early stories feature strong elements of supernatural horror, while due to his more popular science fiction he is known for his tendency to deal with complex technical material, like inventive new physics and epistemology, in an unapologetically thorough manner.

Egan's short stories have been published in a variety of genre magazines, including regular appearances in Interzone and Asimov's Science Fiction.

Egan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the University of Western Australia, and currently lives in Perth. He has recently been active on the issue of refugees' mandatory detention in Australia. Egan is a vegetarian.

Egan is a famously reclusive author when it comes to public appearances; he does not attend science fiction conventions, does not sign books and there are no photos of him available on the web.

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Greg Egan", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
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