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Search - List of Books by Eugen Herrigel

"He grows daily more capable of following any inspiration without technical effort, and also of letting inspiration come to him through meticulous observation." -- Eugen Herrigel
Eugen Herrigel (20 March 1884 in Lichtenau, Baden-Württemberg - 18 April 1955 in Partenkirchen, Bavaria) was a German philosopher who taught philosophy at Tohoku Imperial University in Sendai, Japan, from 1924-1929 and introduced Zen to large parts of Europe through his writings.

While living in Japan from 1924 to 1929, he studied ky?d?, traditional Japanese archery, under Awa Kenzô (1880-1939), a prominent master of the art, in the hope of furthering his understanding of Zen. In July 1929 he returned to Germany and was given a chair for philosophy at the University of Erlangen. In 1937 Herrigel joined the Nazi Party.

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Eugen Herrigel", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 28
Zen in der Kunst des Bogenschieens
2003 - Zen in Der Kunst Des Bogenschieens (Hardcover)Hardcover
ISBN-13: 9783502642800
ISBN-10: 350264280X