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Search - List of Books by Daniel Scott

Daniel Scott is an American fiction writer best known for his spare, haunting, sometimes satirical prose style and his focus on marginalized characters of American society. He has also been cited as an "almost post-gay" writer in that he sometimes employs gay characters whose sexuality is not necessarily a driving force of the story. Scott has been the recipient of awards from various organizations including the Christopher Isherwood Foundation, the New York Foundation for the Arts and the MacDowell Colony. Born November 17, 1963 in Milton, Massachusetts, he currently lives in New York City.

His first book, Some of Us Have to Get Up in the Morning, was published in 2001 and contains the stories "Bypass," "Cookout," "Fluency," "The Whereabouts of Me," "Infection," "The Right of Way," "Upside-down Heart," "Ice Machine," "Cleanser," "Fellow Feeling" and "The Host." His second book, Pay This Amount, published in 2008, comprises the stories "The Runt," "Hazards Arising," "Pay This Amount," "The Day Manager," "Stickers," "Lėtzebuergesch," "Marginalia," "Fish Tanks," "In the Dwelling" and "Alicia Sturtz, Index of."

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