Carpe Corpus was a decent read. It tied up a lot of loose ends from previous books. I look forward to the next addition of this series.

Was good,will put the next on hold at my library.
Great continuation of great series

The adventures of the guys (and gals) of the Glass House get more complicated and deadly with each book. The excitement and danger build from page one all the way to the final chapter. These are great characters though the town of Morganville is totally screwy and bizarre. I really good YA vampire series.
If you've read the first 5 books in this series, you know things are really at a crisis. The final "end game" between Amelie and her father, Mr. Bishop,will leave one of them mortally (so to speak) wounded. Claire constantly has to dive into deep waters; now Myrnin wants her to learn how to run ADA, the machine that controls Morganville in so many ways. Shane and his dad are finally released from Bishop's holding cells only to Frank turned into the thing he hates most and strives to eliminate...a vampire. Oliver continues to confuse and astound with his tactics. Jason's never-ending evil looms heavily in the final pages of this book. A terrific read and one that has me eagerly reaching for book 7 in the series. Caine has developed her characters and let us follow each step...I love her ability to make them SOoooo real.
In the small college town of Morganville, an underground resistance to evil vampire Bishop is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths. He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants-the living and the undead.
Clair Denvers was a very smart 16-year-old girl so she agreed to go to colleege early. Since her mom and Dad wanna still think of her as their lil girl she agrees to go to a college not to close and not to far away from home. In MorganVille. Little does Claire know, the town is full of. . . . . . The story starts off Claire getting bullied by the Mayors daughter, Monica Morell. Since Claire's life gets indagered by Monica she goes out to look for off campus living arrangements. Thats how she finds the Glass House. Owned by none other: Micheal Glass. Hes hott, sexy and looks like a avenging angel. Something is weird about him sleeping all day and only coming out at night. . . . .Anyway Micheal owns the house and his two best friends Eve Rosser and Shane Colins rents it. All of them are eightteen and when they hear Claires life in dangered they let her stay and fill her in on the town. Its full of Vampires. Given that none of them have Protection(something that keeps you from being luch)they always have to watch eacothers back and as the books continue you DEFINETLY know Shane and Claire have NO problem doing THAT(and a couple other things too). Read this tale of suspense, ROMANCE and Vampires, because its a bite you'll never expect.
Clair Denvers was a very smart 16-year-old girl so she agreed to go to colleege early. Since her mom and Dad wanna still think of her as their lil girl she agrees to go to a college not to close and not to far away from home. In MorganVille. Little does Claire know, the town is full of. . . . . . The story starts off Claire getting bullied by the Mayors daughter, Monica Morell. Since Claire's life gets indagered by Monica she goes out to look for off campus living arrangements. Thats how she finds the Glass House. Owned by none other: Micheal Glass. Hes hott, sexy and looks like a avenging angel. Something is weird about him sleeping all day and only coming out at night. . . . .Anyway Micheal owns the house and his two best friends Eve Rosser and Shane Colins rents it. All of them are eightteen and when they hear Claires life in dangered they let her stay and fill her in on the town. Its full of Vampires. Given that none of them have Protection(something that keeps you from being luch)they always have to watch eacothers back and as the books continue you DEFINETLY know Shane and Claire have NO problem doing THAT(and a couple other things too). Read this tale of suspense, ROMANCE and Vampires, because its a bite you'll never expect.
very good series. if you like stories with vampires in it you will love this set.
I read this first before I gave it to my 13 year old. I was really disappointed because it is for young teens but having the 17 year old protagonist lose her virginity is so not what I want to encourage teens to do. It did not add to the story at all, it just legitimized bad behavior.

Reviewed by Jennifer Rummel for
Claire and her friends are divided over the recent events in Morganville. Shane's locked up with his father. Michael's working for the evil Bishop along with Claire - while Eve is furious with both of them.
Claire needs to believe the Myrnin has a plan, but she's not sure she can actually trust him.
Bishop is running the town and pushing it close to ruin. He doesn't care about any of the citizens. Claire realizes that Amelie hasn't gone into the shadows and disappeared. Instead, she's been working to move the townspeople out of danger and away from Morganville.
With the whole town gearing up for a fight, who will be left standing and what alliances will be broken/formed?
THE MORGANVILLE VAMPIRES series is a fast-paced, addicting read that draws readers in and never lets them go, and CARPE CORPUS is a great addition to the line.
Claire and her friends are divided over the recent events in Morganville. Shane's locked up with his father. Michael's working for the evil Bishop along with Claire - while Eve is furious with both of them.
Claire needs to believe the Myrnin has a plan, but she's not sure she can actually trust him.
Bishop is running the town and pushing it close to ruin. He doesn't care about any of the citizens. Claire realizes that Amelie hasn't gone into the shadows and disappeared. Instead, she's been working to move the townspeople out of danger and away from Morganville.
With the whole town gearing up for a fight, who will be left standing and what alliances will be broken/formed?
THE MORGANVILLE VAMPIRES series is a fast-paced, addicting read that draws readers in and never lets them go, and CARPE CORPUS is a great addition to the line.

From the back of the book:
In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace -- until all the rules got rewritten when evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He's kept a death grip on the town ever since.
Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths. He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants--the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires be content to go back to the old rules after having had such a taste of power?
I absolutely love this series and this book didn't disappoint! Looking forward to her next book "Fade Out", set to be released November 2009.
In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace -- until all the rules got rewritten when evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He's kept a death grip on the town ever since.
Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths. He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants--the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires be content to go back to the old rules after having had such a taste of power?
I absolutely love this series and this book didn't disappoint! Looking forward to her next book "Fade Out", set to be released November 2009.