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Search - List of Books by CAMILLE DUNGY

Camille T. Dungy (born 1972) is an American poet and professor. She is author of two poetry collections, most recently, Suck on the Marrow (Red Hen Press, 2010). Her poems have appeared in literary journals and magazines including Antioch Review, Carolina Quarterly, The Missouri Review, The Southern Review, The Crab Orchard Review, Poetry Daily. Her honors include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, The Virginia Commission for the Arts, and the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, Cave Canem, the American Antiquarian Society, and the Sewanee Writers' Conference, and she is a recipient of the Dana Award. Dungy graduated from Stanford University and the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, where she earned her MFA. She teaches at San Francisco State University and lives in San Francisco, California

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "CAMILLE DUNGY", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
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