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Brains That Work A Little Bit Differently: Recent Discoveries About Common Brain Diversities

Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain
Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain
Author: Oliver Sacks
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.

Book Type: Paperback
Publication Date:

Herbs and Nutrients for the Mind : A Guide to Natural Brain Enhancers (Complementary and Alternative Medicine)

The Owner's Manual for the Brain, Second Edition : Everyday Applications from Mind-Brain Research

The Large, the Small and the Human Mind
The Large, the Small and the Human Mind
Author: Roger Penrose

Book Type: Paperback
Publication Date:

The Longevity Strategy: How to Live to 100 Using the Brain-Body Connection
The Longevity Strategy: How to Live to 100 Using the Brain-Body Connection
Author: David J. Mahoney, Short Mahoney
  • Currently 2.8/5 Stars.

Book Type: Hardcover
Publication Date:

The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language (P.S.)
The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language (P.S.)
Author: Steven Pinker
  • Currently 3.3/5 Stars.

Book Type: Paperback
Publication Date:

A User's Guide to the Brain: Perception, Attention, and the Four Theaters of the Brain
A User's Guide to the Brain: Perception, Attention, and the Four Theaters of the Brain
Author: John J. Ratey
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.

Book Type: Paperback
Publication Date:

Wish I Could Be There: Notes From a Phobic Life
Wish I Could Be There: Notes From a Phobic Life
Author: Allen Shawn
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Book Type: Hardcover
Publication Date:

Words and Rules : The Ingredients of Language
Words and Rules : The Ingredients of Language
Author: Steven Pinker

Book Type: Hardcover
Publication Date:

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