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Search - List of Books by Alan Arkin

"I know that if I can't move people, then I have no business being an actor." -- Alan Arkin
Alan Wolf Arkin (born March 26, 1934) is an American actor, director, musician and singer. He is best-known for starring in such films as: Catch-22; The In-Laws; Edward Scissorhands; The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming; Glengarry Glen Ross; and Little Miss Sunshine, for which he won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 2007. He is the father of actors Adam Arkin, Anthony Arkin, and Matthew Arkin. He is also first cousin to children's author Edward Irving Wortis who is better known by his pen name Avi.

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Alan Arkin", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 37
The Lemming Condition
1976 - The Lemming Condition [Bubber, Bk 1] (Paperback)Paperback
ISBN-13: 9780553150162
ISBN-10: 0553150162
Genres: Children's Books, Teen & Young Adult