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Book Review of What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?

What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?
cangurita avatar reviewed on + 24 more book reviews

The above PBS "book description" of this particular edition (ISBN-10: 189334522X) is quite wrong, and several things need to be noted:
(edited to add: if you want the "kids story" - just click the "hardcover" link above.. same title, same author, different audience)

It is indeed a 48-paged book. It is also pocket sized, literaly, small print (but not overly-teeny), and paper-back means a glossy paper front/back cover, not even cardstock. This in itself is not a problem, just letting you know.
It is not a "children's book" - there are no heroic characters and lively animals to journey with. It is not "beautifully illustrated" - though there are a few illustrations (cliparts) thoughout the book.
It is filled with explanations (well end-noted) for Biblical Creation and answers the Evolutionist's circular arguments surrounding Dinosaurs

As an adult I enjoyed reading though the terse book.. My 4 year old took a hold of it and wanted to know "what really happened to the dinosaurs?" I found I had to slow down as I read it to her - almost paragraph to paragraph, chapter to chapter, because it takes a while to let each important point to sink in for a young agegroup, and even then choosing only the key points at times (in all fairness, it was dinner time when she started the book, and i just didnt feel like the inevitable "what does ... mean?" interruptions on large words and adult concepts) she loves it despite no fancy colorful illustrations, but then again, this is usually "how we roll" in book-reading at our house and maybe what she loves is sitting on my lap and asking questions..

Some sections are:
Are dinosaurs a mystery?
Why such different views?
Where did Dinosaurs come from?
What did dinosaurs look like?
Who discovered dinosaurs?
When did they live?
Does the Bible mention Dinosaurs?
Are there other ancient records of dinosaurs?
What do the bones say?
and many more along those lines (this is just about the first third of the book and this review is already long).. .. ..

I think this is a great book - maybe for a middle-older child/teen, that they can just have in their pocket/backpack/locker for reference/encouragement/reminding when involved in a "dinosaur discussion"
I am enjoying the conversation with my kids about dinosaurs, piece by piece.