This one actually gets a full 4 stars. The author did a good job of making me want to slap the hellfire out of Clary, Jace, Alec, and some others I'm sure.
Spoilers Ahead:
This gave us an all-access pass into Valentine's head. And while he was a complete and total lunatic, he had real belief in what he was doing. Though the real Jonathan was a monster, I think as his father Valentine had some inkling of love for him. I believe it pained him when he learned that Jace had killed him. I also believe it pained him very much to kill Jace. You have to admire his conviction, his utter belief in his cause. Again he was a raging psychopath, but dedicated.
I almost felt sorry for him when the angel struck him down. Although I truly don't know what he expected. You kidnapped and tortured an angel for years and then you think to command the angel that made the nephilim?! And all for a very, very wrong and twisted cause. Yeah I don't know how he didn't see that coming, 'cause I sure did!
Clary flipping out on her mom bugged me. I think because she had so very nearly lost her, and she had defied everything and everyone just to get her back, you'd think she would have hugged her before giving her a verbal smack down. Kind of like when you're a kid and don't check in at home all day and when you finally stroll through the door, your mom totally hugs the life out of you before shaking the crap out of you and screaming about how worried she was. I think that should have been more her reaction, but whatever.
And don't even get me started about how disgusted I am about Clary and Jace not being blood siblings! I was really hoping this didn't go for the predictable, stereotypical ending. I was totally pulling for Simon! I also just wanted a romance that didn't turn out the way it was expected to...but there are a few more books so there could be a separation/break-up around the corner. Not that I don't want a happy ending or dislike them together. I was just hoping for something different, non-mainstream.
Oh well. Disappointed as I am, at least Luke got his girl! I'll check out the rest of the series.
Spoilers Ahead:
This gave us an all-access pass into Valentine's head. And while he was a complete and total lunatic, he had real belief in what he was doing. Though the real Jonathan was a monster, I think as his father Valentine had some inkling of love for him. I believe it pained him when he learned that Jace had killed him. I also believe it pained him very much to kill Jace. You have to admire his conviction, his utter belief in his cause. Again he was a raging psychopath, but dedicated.
I almost felt sorry for him when the angel struck him down. Although I truly don't know what he expected. You kidnapped and tortured an angel for years and then you think to command the angel that made the nephilim?! And all for a very, very wrong and twisted cause. Yeah I don't know how he didn't see that coming, 'cause I sure did!
Clary flipping out on her mom bugged me. I think because she had so very nearly lost her, and she had defied everything and everyone just to get her back, you'd think she would have hugged her before giving her a verbal smack down. Kind of like when you're a kid and don't check in at home all day and when you finally stroll through the door, your mom totally hugs the life out of you before shaking the crap out of you and screaming about how worried she was. I think that should have been more her reaction, but whatever.
And don't even get me started about how disgusted I am about Clary and Jace not being blood siblings! I was really hoping this didn't go for the predictable, stereotypical ending. I was totally pulling for Simon! I also just wanted a romance that didn't turn out the way it was expected to...but there are a few more books so there could be a separation/break-up around the corner. Not that I don't want a happy ending or dislike them together. I was just hoping for something different, non-mainstream.
Oh well. Disappointed as I am, at least Luke got his girl! I'll check out the rest of the series.
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