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Book Review of On Becoming Baby Wise: Learn How over 500,000 Babies Were Trained to Sleep Through the Night the Natural Way

On Becoming Baby Wise: Learn How over 500,000 Babies Were Trained to Sleep Through the Night the Natural Way
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Helpful Score: 2

It's common for mothers following this method to lose their milk supply because it is not natural for babies to be sleeping through the night at such a young age as the book encourages. True, many parents have what they think is immediate success, but it is short-term. Infants need to learn that when they cry, their needs will be met; crying is their only way to communicate. By ignoring their cries parents teach their babies to give up, that nobody will help them. These children grow up lacking trust in their parents, and trust in general. I was given this book as a gift when I was pregnant and was so horrified after reading it - it sounded like child abuse to me - that I went online to find alternatives. I was thrilled to find Attachment Parenting (in addition to websites and books available on this topic, many communities have local chapters with playgroups and support meetings; I've met some of my best friends through my local group!). Parenting is a joy when you avoid methods that promise you "convenience", and instead help you build a strong bond with your children.