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Book Review of Surviving Manic Depression: A Manual on Bipolar Disorder for Patients, Families, and Providers

Surviving Manic Depression covers just about every topic related to Bipolar Disorder. It goes over symptoms, treatment, and possible causes and is a good reference for people who have the illness or care about someone who has it.

The book is somewhat dry, but it is meant as a manual so that's to be expected. It's full of facts, figures, statistics, and studies that in their age, reliability, and context. The author does an excellent job of pointing out the possible flaws and contradictions of some of findings related to manic depression and continually stresses that more evidence and research is needed in this area to be certain of the cause and best treatment options for the illness.

At the back of the book there several appendices that include related and recommended books, websites, resources, and a very extensive bibliography.

The only drawback is that the book was published in 2002 so some of the material, particularly concerning cause of illness , neurobiology, and current treatments/medications is outdated or lacking.