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Book Review of The Onion Ad Nauseam: Complete News Archives, Volume 13

The Onion Ad Nauseam: Complete News Archives, Volume 13
reviewed on + 70 more book reviews

I loved most of the other Onion collections, but this one seems to have a lot of repeated articles for the earler books. Some of the post 911 stuff just wasn't that funny. I ended up returning the book, due to one the articles featured some really graphic/sacreligous images of christian figures engaging in acts that I will not repeat here...the article was a satiral piece that made of a public outcry of museum art that wasn't blasphemous enough, ie The Maplethorpe pictures. Something that I didn't want my kid or really uptight parents/in laws seeing if I left it on the coffee table. I wanted to rip the page out, but I abhor damaging a book, so I returned it to Barnes & Noble. Sure other Onion books have had some tasteless/even sacreligous stuff, but this pic was waaay over the line.