I really loved this book and I am very impressed by Wally's Lambs writing. It's sometimes difficult for a man to really write a woman, but this was really believable. In addition I seem to be drawn to books with some seriously dysfunctional Character(s). Delores was doomed from the when she was very little. Her father was an ass who cheated on her mother and eventually left her. Her mother had a nervous breakdown and eventually wound up in a mental institution for some time. Therefore the only one left to raise her was her grandmother. Grandma was a bit old fashioned, but to me she was no different than my grandmother. Eventually her mother is released and she goes to live with them. Her grandmother takes in renter in the upstarirs apartment who eventually violently rapes her when she is 14. Now this is where everything goes to hell in a handbasket for Delores. Two weeks later she winds up telling her mom what happened with the help of a neighbor, but her mother does NOTHING! She thinks that by not doing anything that Delores will learn to forget about it. This is not what happens. This incident is what messes her mind up and causes Delores to become obese, anti social, depressed, angry, & suicidal. This is a really kick ass book. It's pretty long, but never did I once become bored in any way.
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