Heart Dance is book 6 in the Celtan Heart Mates series. The hero is a great lord, only recently become the head of his family. He finds that his grandmother [who hated him and seemingly men in general] has hidden his heartmate from him. In the last book, he sends his heart gift out into the city, hoping she will be attracted. With the help of her fam, she finally receives it but has no real interest in a relationship - not because she isn't attracted but because she is hiding a very dark secret of her own; she is experimenting with time which is forbidden.
This pair have several strikes against them - his grandmother ruined her father and got experimentation banned, her world view has been tainted by an extremely dysfunctional family, and to prove the success of her time experiments she will have to heal his grandmother [currently in cryogenic suspension on the ship] which will damage him and his family both internally and externally through scandal. The two slowly come to terms with each other, their families, and their expectations. I liked the resolution.
One of the strengths of Robin Owens' writing is her believable world-building. She has crafted a fascinating, self-consistent world that she draws the reader into - background information always appears when needed and is never presented out of context. The characters have depth and you see their world, and their stories through their eyes.
Do not read the series out of order...
Celta Heart Mates series
1. Heart Mate (2001)
2. Heart Thief (2003)
3. Heart Duel (2004)
4. Heart Choice (2005)
5. Heart Quest (2006)
6. Heart Dance (2007)
7. Heart Fate (2008)
8. Heart Change (2009)
9. Heart Journey planned for 2010
This pair have several strikes against them - his grandmother ruined her father and got experimentation banned, her world view has been tainted by an extremely dysfunctional family, and to prove the success of her time experiments she will have to heal his grandmother [currently in cryogenic suspension on the ship] which will damage him and his family both internally and externally through scandal. The two slowly come to terms with each other, their families, and their expectations. I liked the resolution.
One of the strengths of Robin Owens' writing is her believable world-building. She has crafted a fascinating, self-consistent world that she draws the reader into - background information always appears when needed and is never presented out of context. The characters have depth and you see their world, and their stories through their eyes.
Do not read the series out of order...
Celta Heart Mates series
1. Heart Mate (2001)
2. Heart Thief (2003)
3. Heart Duel (2004)
4. Heart Choice (2005)
5. Heart Quest (2006)
6. Heart Dance (2007)
7. Heart Fate (2008)
8. Heart Change (2009)
9. Heart Journey planned for 2010
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