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Book Review of Imperium (Cicero, Bk 1)

Imperium (Cicero, Bk 1)

In this premier book of the trilogy, readers get a fascinating account of how a nobody who had none of the customary advantages such as pedigree, fortune, or connections rises to power by sheer determination, diligence and above all intelligence.
Against overwhelming odds he manipulates his climb through unrelenting and dangerous opposition no less than life-threatening. Harris's depiction of events causes a reader to feel as if one is participating in the challenges of dire political expedience and survival. We are also shown the dark side of a conniving Julius Caesar whose ambition knows no bounds, contrary to the usual lionizing treatments of him with which we have become so familiar. Harris' writing is so lucid that even those who are unfamiliar with the period details should be quite drawn in and carried away.