Helpful Score: 3
I first found out about this book when I "met" the author on here while ordering another book. As she was from my home state and only a couple of hours away, we got to talking about books in general, and her books in particular. One she had published, Forward To Camelot, was an alternate history story that I thought I might like. Man, was I ever right about that. Imagine being able to go back in time to that very moment, the point in time which changed America: the day Kennedy was shot. So much has been written about this time, about all the conspiracy theories, about how America might be today had Kennedy lived. Well, imagine being able to do something about it, to right a wrong, and change history. I found this book to be very well researched and thought out. The characters were great, and it left me wishing it was true and Kennedy had been saved. Whether you have read a alternate history book or not, this is definitely a must read! Do yourself a favor and order this one. I went out and bought mine as I couldn't wait for it to be posted on here. Only can be bought online through Amazon and other on-line book sites. Wish it was out in the bookstores. Sure needs to be.