Top notch! Loved the movie Fight Club, this is my first Palahniuk book, and I loved it! Had me laughing out loud hysterically on several occasions. I'm now certain more than ever, that I am damned to hell!
Fantastic characters! Sweet plot twists and turns! A lovable heroine! The most bodacious vocabulary I've seen in a book, in a very long time! Had to look up no less than 12 words in the dictionary for definitions! Loved it!
Mash up all the cherished memories of the 1980s and throw it into hell. Angst and deep thinking!
This will not be my last Palahniuk book! Mark my words! I picked up Lullaby for my next Palahniuk read!
Fantastic characters! Sweet plot twists and turns! A lovable heroine! The most bodacious vocabulary I've seen in a book, in a very long time! Had to look up no less than 12 words in the dictionary for definitions! Loved it!
Mash up all the cherished memories of the 1980s and throw it into hell. Angst and deep thinking!
This will not be my last Palahniuk book! Mark my words! I picked up Lullaby for my next Palahniuk read!