Grand Central: Original Stories of Postwar Love and Reunion
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Book Type: Paperback
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Book Type: Paperback
4.5 stars overall I think :)
I'm always wary of anthologies, since most times I don't end up liking some or alot of the stories.
I took a chance on this one because two reasons: World War Two and an excellent spread of authors. (Though Alyson Richman, Sarah Jio, and Karen White's were the main reason of reason two haha). Some of these authors I didn't know but had heard good things an about so I was excited for this to come in the mail.
Was pleasantly surprised, love when that happens:)
I'll be doing a short review of each story *points down* Here we go!
Going home Alyson Richman
4 stars
My first taste of Alyson Richman, though I've heard alot of good things about her.
This is one of those stories I wish had been longer because I fell in love with these characters. Only 39 pages but everything is so rich that you can feel the atmosphere and people around you.
You feel and root for Gregori and Liesel, wanting them to meet and interact with each other. You hope the same hopes as Liesel for her family and herself.
The ending made me smile though, the promise of the future shining in the lat sentences *sighs*
A lovely wonderful story.. nothing else to say:)
"He realized he was playing it for both himself and the girl, two strangers in New York who were neither Americans nor completely refugees. But a pair or souls finding themselves caught between each of those worlds."
The Lucky one by Jenna Blum
A bit heavy but a well executed story... I just wanted to hug Peter and dive into the pages to help him.
Not sure exactly what to say here, this story was beautiful in a tragic way... not sure if that's the right phrase but it's close.
The ending leaves me hoping for the best with Peter, that he'll find a way for himself. *Watches the train pull off into the distance and waves*
Not a light story but a compelling read.
The branch of Hazel by Sarah McCoy
3.5 stars
This one was good but I didn't feel as connected to it as the others. Cata, I didn't like her in the beginning but she grew on me somewhat towards the end of the story. Her train companion was a delight:).
Well written though so maybe it's just me *shrugs* I'll pick up 'The Baker's daughter' and see if my opinion changes.
"The world is rooted in pain, and we, born to it, are perpetually suffering. Warring, hating and killing each other on partialities when our souls are all made of the same material. "
The Kissing room by Melanie Benjamin
3.5 stars
A lighter story than the first two, we meet Marjorie on her way to a screen test for MGM.
It was fun meeting Marjorie. She's driven and ambitious but a little naive as well.
I had red flags popping up when Mr. Holmes gave her is card, specially when he and Marjorie met up again.
The ending really wasn't clear, leaves you wondering even though you can guess pretty well what's happening. The last paragraph made we want to kick the talent scout in the balls..
A quick dip into a snapshot of a day in this girl's life, well written and left me satisfied yet wanting more.
I'll be seeing you by Sara Jio
5 stars, a beautiful story with heartbreak, romance, and tears... A couple whammys for the MC that broke my heart but the ending made me smile for her, wishing her the best. I have a feeling she'll be alright:).
Miss Jio reminds me of Kate Morton in the way that their writing is very atmospheric and they have a knack for writing beautiful characters you can cheer for and you don't soon forget.
Will definitely be reading more by this lady in the future <3
" I think of their roles in my journey, a journey that has brought me to this train, to this seat, to this moment. The ghosts of my past will always be with me, just as they are with all of us. We take a part of everything, everyone we encounter, with us on our path. Perhaps that's what makes life so rich, so full. A map, starred and circled and drawn with the paths we've taken, for better or worse."
I'll walk alone by Erika Robuck
4.5 stars
Wow... I'm not sure what to say. A powerful story, heartbreaking but with some hope as well. I wanted to hug Josie and Timmy and help them to get away.
A random encounter with a stranger is maybe just what Josie needs to put things into perspective.
The ending had my heart pounding, I was crossing my fingers and encouraging her in my head.
"I lift my face to the constellations on the ceiling. I'm breathing better up here. The air stirs more freely. I walk towards the stairs where the young lovers sat, but they are gone. Of all the difficulty of this day so far, their disappearance is what threatens to unmoor me."
The Reunion by Kristina McMorris
Really enjoyed this one, a quiet sort of story about friendship, love, and guilt.
The friendship between Millie and Virginia made me smile... it got off to a rocky start but they were thick as thieves and devoted to each other. Millie's sharp tongue reminded me of one of my best friends/sisters:). Millie reminded me of Peggy Carter in some ways.
I admired them for having the courage to be up in the air as pilots.
Taz was a charmer but a sweetheart, perfect fit for Virginia.
Tin town by Amanda Hodgkinson
Interesting concept and wonderful characters:) Sad and wistful in places but happy as well.
Miss Hodgkinson's style flows nicely, will see definitely be looking for more of her down the line.
'Strand of Pearls' by Pam Jenoff
3.5-4 stars
Another sort of quiet story, it beckons you to follow Ella on her journey.. letting you see things slowly and encouraging you to sit there/travel with her. (That make sense?)
I was rooting for Ella and her father to have a wonderful reunion... as she neared her journey's end though... I could see what was going to happen. But I still hoped she would find/get what she was looking for.
She made the decision right for her in the end:)
Crappy review but I did enjoy this one a lot.
"The Harvest Season" by Karen White
Karen White never disappoints:) A moving, beautiful story... I felt for Will and Ginny, each affected by the war and in different ways.
The energy of their past and pain was thick between them, Ginny wanting to tell Will a 'secret" but holding back out of respect for him.
Everything unfolds in it's own time, sometimes simultaneously but it felt.. natural (if that's the right word). Nothing and no one felt cheapened. There was a respect in the writing.
Miss White has a way of telling her stories that makes it hard to pull yourself away.. You want to know what happens to these people:) I felt like I was walking along behind them, observing everything.
The secret of Ginny's I suspected but the reveal was done quietly and I was impressed with how Will handled everything in the end.
I was also proud of him in a certain moment on his father's porch, I have a feeling he'll be alright.
Love how each story had cameos, however small in each other's stories, lives intersecting with the busy Grand Central as a silent witness :) Some of the little cameos in other stories, gave you a clue as to what happened next with another character's story, others merely a glimpse of them through someone else's eyes. When these happened, I would stop for a moment and replay the moments in my head :).
I was already warned by a another review beforehand that the title and the cover of a book is misleading.. and it is but it didn't take away my enjoyment of the stories.
Some of these stories are a bit heavy/dark but well worth reading. Each author here has done a great job, none of the stories felt rushed or forced to me, and it really felt like I was back in Grand central and the various other locations of the time period.
Would highly recommend, an amazing collection in my opinion:) I've already purchased a couple books from a couple authors in here and will be on the lookout for more down the road.
I also fell in love with Karen White"s writing a little more thanks to this anthology:).
Happy reading!
I want more of these people *sighs* highly recommend this collection!
I'm always wary of anthologies, since most times I don't end up liking some or alot of the stories.
I took a chance on this one because two reasons: World War Two and an excellent spread of authors. (Though Alyson Richman, Sarah Jio, and Karen White's were the main reason of reason two haha). Some of these authors I didn't know but had heard good things an about so I was excited for this to come in the mail.
Was pleasantly surprised, love when that happens:)
I'll be doing a short review of each story *points down* Here we go!
Going home Alyson Richman
4 stars
My first taste of Alyson Richman, though I've heard alot of good things about her.
This is one of those stories I wish had been longer because I fell in love with these characters. Only 39 pages but everything is so rich that you can feel the atmosphere and people around you.
You feel and root for Gregori and Liesel, wanting them to meet and interact with each other. You hope the same hopes as Liesel for her family and herself.
The ending made me smile though, the promise of the future shining in the lat sentences *sighs*
A lovely wonderful story.. nothing else to say:)
"He realized he was playing it for both himself and the girl, two strangers in New York who were neither Americans nor completely refugees. But a pair or souls finding themselves caught between each of those worlds."
The Lucky one by Jenna Blum
A bit heavy but a well executed story... I just wanted to hug Peter and dive into the pages to help him.
Not sure exactly what to say here, this story was beautiful in a tragic way... not sure if that's the right phrase but it's close.
The ending leaves me hoping for the best with Peter, that he'll find a way for himself. *Watches the train pull off into the distance and waves*
Not a light story but a compelling read.
The branch of Hazel by Sarah McCoy
3.5 stars
This one was good but I didn't feel as connected to it as the others. Cata, I didn't like her in the beginning but she grew on me somewhat towards the end of the story. Her train companion was a delight:).
Well written though so maybe it's just me *shrugs* I'll pick up 'The Baker's daughter' and see if my opinion changes.
"The world is rooted in pain, and we, born to it, are perpetually suffering. Warring, hating and killing each other on partialities when our souls are all made of the same material. "
The Kissing room by Melanie Benjamin
3.5 stars
A lighter story than the first two, we meet Marjorie on her way to a screen test for MGM.
It was fun meeting Marjorie. She's driven and ambitious but a little naive as well.
I had red flags popping up when Mr. Holmes gave her is card, specially when he and Marjorie met up again.
The ending really wasn't clear, leaves you wondering even though you can guess pretty well what's happening. The last paragraph made we want to kick the talent scout in the balls..
A quick dip into a snapshot of a day in this girl's life, well written and left me satisfied yet wanting more.
I'll be seeing you by Sara Jio
5 stars, a beautiful story with heartbreak, romance, and tears... A couple whammys for the MC that broke my heart but the ending made me smile for her, wishing her the best. I have a feeling she'll be alright:).
Miss Jio reminds me of Kate Morton in the way that their writing is very atmospheric and they have a knack for writing beautiful characters you can cheer for and you don't soon forget.
Will definitely be reading more by this lady in the future <3
" I think of their roles in my journey, a journey that has brought me to this train, to this seat, to this moment. The ghosts of my past will always be with me, just as they are with all of us. We take a part of everything, everyone we encounter, with us on our path. Perhaps that's what makes life so rich, so full. A map, starred and circled and drawn with the paths we've taken, for better or worse."
I'll walk alone by Erika Robuck
4.5 stars
Wow... I'm not sure what to say. A powerful story, heartbreaking but with some hope as well. I wanted to hug Josie and Timmy and help them to get away.
A random encounter with a stranger is maybe just what Josie needs to put things into perspective.
The ending had my heart pounding, I was crossing my fingers and encouraging her in my head.
"I lift my face to the constellations on the ceiling. I'm breathing better up here. The air stirs more freely. I walk towards the stairs where the young lovers sat, but they are gone. Of all the difficulty of this day so far, their disappearance is what threatens to unmoor me."
The Reunion by Kristina McMorris
Really enjoyed this one, a quiet sort of story about friendship, love, and guilt.
The friendship between Millie and Virginia made me smile... it got off to a rocky start but they were thick as thieves and devoted to each other. Millie's sharp tongue reminded me of one of my best friends/sisters:). Millie reminded me of Peggy Carter in some ways.
I admired them for having the courage to be up in the air as pilots.
Taz was a charmer but a sweetheart, perfect fit for Virginia.
Tin town by Amanda Hodgkinson
Interesting concept and wonderful characters:) Sad and wistful in places but happy as well.
Miss Hodgkinson's style flows nicely, will see definitely be looking for more of her down the line.
'Strand of Pearls' by Pam Jenoff
3.5-4 stars
Another sort of quiet story, it beckons you to follow Ella on her journey.. letting you see things slowly and encouraging you to sit there/travel with her. (That make sense?)
I was rooting for Ella and her father to have a wonderful reunion... as she neared her journey's end though... I could see what was going to happen. But I still hoped she would find/get what she was looking for.
She made the decision right for her in the end:)
Crappy review but I did enjoy this one a lot.
"The Harvest Season" by Karen White
Karen White never disappoints:) A moving, beautiful story... I felt for Will and Ginny, each affected by the war and in different ways.
The energy of their past and pain was thick between them, Ginny wanting to tell Will a 'secret" but holding back out of respect for him.
Everything unfolds in it's own time, sometimes simultaneously but it felt.. natural (if that's the right word). Nothing and no one felt cheapened. There was a respect in the writing.
Miss White has a way of telling her stories that makes it hard to pull yourself away.. You want to know what happens to these people:) I felt like I was walking along behind them, observing everything.
The secret of Ginny's I suspected but the reveal was done quietly and I was impressed with how Will handled everything in the end.
I was also proud of him in a certain moment on his father's porch, I have a feeling he'll be alright.
Love how each story had cameos, however small in each other's stories, lives intersecting with the busy Grand Central as a silent witness :) Some of the little cameos in other stories, gave you a clue as to what happened next with another character's story, others merely a glimpse of them through someone else's eyes. When these happened, I would stop for a moment and replay the moments in my head :).
I was already warned by a another review beforehand that the title and the cover of a book is misleading.. and it is but it didn't take away my enjoyment of the stories.
Some of these stories are a bit heavy/dark but well worth reading. Each author here has done a great job, none of the stories felt rushed or forced to me, and it really felt like I was back in Grand central and the various other locations of the time period.
Would highly recommend, an amazing collection in my opinion:) I've already purchased a couple books from a couple authors in here and will be on the lookout for more down the road.
I also fell in love with Karen White"s writing a little more thanks to this anthology:).
Happy reading!
I want more of these people *sighs* highly recommend this collection!
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