1022 Evergreen Place by
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is book number 10 in the Cedar Cove series. The main story line follows Mary Jo and Mack's developing relationship, as well as the discovery of the World War II letters Mary Jo found in the duplex under the floorboards.
Lori Bellamy Wyse and Linc Bellamy are now married and dealing with Lori's disapproving father.
Will Jefferson is still trying to win over Shirley Bliss and her daughter Tanni is moving on without her boyfriend, Shaw, who has moved to California to attend art school.
Teri & Bobby Polgar now have boy triplets. Teri's sister Christie still cannot forgive James for lying to her.
Grace Harding is overseeing a program at the library called 'Reading With Rover' where children read to dogs with the help of an adult. Tanni Bliss is one of the volunteers, btu is not so fond of another volunteer that she attends high school with.
Rachel and Bruce Peyton have adjusted to married life well, but Bruce's daughter Jolene is making Rachel's life a living hell. Bruce and Jolene are unaware that Rachel is pregnant and she is very scared about letting them in on this news because they had promised Jolene to wait on having a baby.
Gloria Ashton is mulling over how she feels about Chad Timmons when faced with the fact that he may leave Cedar Cove.
There is a lot going on throughout this book, which made it a quick and interesting read. Only two more books to go until I finish reading this series. It is kind of bittersweet.
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