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Book Review of The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom (Audio Cassette) (Abridged)

The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom (Audio Cassette) (Abridged)
Moonpie avatar reviewed on + 1178 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2

What a great way to start straightening out your finances and take that step to financial freedom than listening to these tapes with wasted time in driving back and forth to work or on errands or trips.
Taking care of our money is more than a balanced check book - this will tell you the nuts and bolts of managing money and looking at the power money has in your life, psychological and spiritual. To control our money we have to get a hold on our attitudes toward it, some we may not realize we have. Let go of wrong ideas and create new attitudes and habits.
Easy listening, through, concise and a big help in removing one more 'problem' from your life, mismanaging your money! Great tape set