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Book Review of Nature of the Beast: Dark Hero / Bride of the Beast / Kiss of the Beast

Nature of the Beast: Dark Hero / Bride of the Beast / Kiss of the Beast
reviewed Quick Summary : (was given 5 stars by other reviewer) on + 13 more book reviews

Dark Hero by Hannah Howell
To protect his clan, Berawald MacNachton has avoided contact with the Outsiders who want to destroy them. However when he stumbles upon a young lad, who asks him for help, he is hard press to say no. His sister, Evanna Massey has been injured, but when her wounds heal quickly, he realizes she isn't like the other Outsiders. What this means he isn't sure. He's drawn to Evanna like no other and longs to embrace the fierce passion.

Evanna has always known she and her brother were different. They lived all their lives in fear of being hunted. Berawald doesn't judge them. He accepts them and shows them kindness when others would condemn. Evanna finds herself falling in love with Berawald, but she has no right when she knows she puts his life in danger.

I loved this tale of dark secrets and longing for acceptance and love. Ms. Howell has written an irresistible vampire story where the true nature of the beast is slowly revealed. The passion is heartfelt and sincere. Berawald and Evanna are two lonely souls surviving in a world that wants them dead. Together, they discover how to rely on each other, giving them a chance for happiness.

Bride of the Beast by Adrienne Basso
As young girl, Bethan of Lampeter saves Haydn of Gwynedd from certain death. Now that she is grown up she needs help to destroy her stepfather, who she fears is a vampire.

Haydn knows what Bethan's stepfather is. He shares the same dark gift, but he doesn't abuse his strengths to torture others. He agrees to help Bethan. He offers marriage in name only so he can be close to her stepfather and find a way to destroy him. However, Haydn and Bethan share a passion they cannot deny, but will Bethan accept Haydn for who he is?

Haydn, who is honor bound and brave, is a perfect match for Bethan, who would risk her own life to save another's. I loved how their romance progressed. Bethan's discovery of Haydn's secret and how she comes to terms with who he was as a person and realizing he was more than the beast he held at bay. This is a tale of choices to be good or evil and Ms. Basso spun a revealing tale.

Kiss of the Beast by Eve Silver
Sarah Lowell works for King's College Hospital. She realizes there is a threat. Someone is killing the patient's and draining them of blood.
Killian Thayne is a surgeon at the hospital. Sarah realizes he's been there each time a patient has been killed and yet she knows in her heart he isn't the one responsible. There is something that draws her to

Killian, something sensual and dangerous and she finds it difficult to resist.

Ms. Silver's old-fashioned mystery had me intrigued from the start. There is the presence of danger and just the right amount of tension to keep you turning the pages. Sarah is strong-willed and capable to taking care of herself despite the fact that Killian wants to protect her. Killian is a dark and mysterious presence to be reckoned with, but he also has a very human side to him, which makes him all the more lovable.
I loved each paranormal tale of dark passion. Nature of the Beast is a definite keeper on my shelf!

Karen Michelle Nutt, Reviewed for PNR Paranormal Reviews