I love this book. I have 3 kids and used the principles in this book and it work love it. All my kids slept threw the night by 8 weeks. I was able to nurse them all to 12 months. My babies were always happy, and now they all think of others before them selves. All because we taught them that they are not the center of attention. I realy think that a lot of people think its wrong to teach a baby or children that they are not the center of attention. Because of that a lot of kids now days are selfish and don't think of others at all. It's always me, me, me. I had even asked my kids if they even remember me teaching them to sleep threw the night and if they are traumatized they all say the same thing. "No" If i could put and 100 + star rating I would. If you had just seen my babies when they were babies you would see happy cooing babes, and everyone always comet on me and asked me how it I did it. I always tell them about this book it was a life saver. Now all my babies are 13,9,and 4 and I can't get my self to give this book up yet.
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