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Book Review of Turning Point (Kathleen Turner, Bk 3)

Turning Point (Kathleen Turner, Bk 3)

The Kathleen Turner series gets better and better with the release of Turning Point; Snow's classic combination of riveting suspense and memorable romanceand the complications in life that always get in the waydoesn't disappoint with this third installment.

I literally could not take my hands off the book. The plot is exhilarating and dangerous, and introduces a seedy, edgy perspective on the corruption present in modern politics as well as in the human trafficking business. In the chemistry department, Blane and Kat steam and sizzle; their developing relationship is soulful and tender, yet the attraction between them so hot. Kade and Kat, on the other hand, don't have anything physical between the two of them and somehow, they're tenfold hotter.

[Warning, fangirly rant ahead!] Kade, OMFG ♥ I can't even begin to discuss my love for him. He's a sleek, lethal bastard of a character, and yet with Kat, he's finally met his match; he's finally met the girl that can bring him to his kneesand not just figuratively speaking. He realizes how Kat's relationship with Blane, his half-brother, is based off all the wrong reasonsbased off the injustices of the American legal system and of the power he possessesbut also how she, in shattering his own guided heart to pieces, will become his demise. This is devastating, not just because of the love triangle between the brothers, but because of the depth of emotion Kade has only known with Kat and the inability for him to ever have her. Normally this kind of thing is too soap opera-esque for me, but in Turning Point, it's raw, emotional, and absolutely perfect.

Katherine stands her moral ground, but that doesn't mean she isn't tempted. She won't admit this directly, so it's more my psychoanalytical side taking over here. It was kind of frustrating to see her be such a goody two-shoes, but this is more a reflection of my own depravity than of her characterization ;) I absolutely need to see how her relationshipor rather, strained accompaniment ofKade, will turn out in the next book! And don't get me started on the cliffhanger regarding her situation with Blane and the law... Tiffany, we readers need more now!!!

Pros: Entertaining, fast-paced action // Highly suspensefulI read and kept reading without effort // Smoothly written; casual style // KADE DENNON // Wicked love scenes that'll make you blush // Fresh narrative voiceI love Kat's character and point of view

Cons: Kat's self-control is unrealistic. How could anyone resist Kade........ . . . .

Love: Just to give you a taste of how sexyjao;isdfjasdf Kade Dennon is...
"F*** bullets," he rasped. "You're going to be the death of me."

"I don't need you to carry me," I insisted.
"I need to."

Jizz in my pants, he is one fictional hero I could seriously trip over!! WHY OH WYH ISn"T HE REAL?????? !!??

Verdict: Tiffany Snow's newest book in the Kathleen Turner series is exactly what I look for in a romantic suspense; the breeziness in narration and remarkable characterization are impossible to put down! I consider Turning Point exemplary chick lit; it's chick-lit in killer heelschick-lit with gunfights and fistfights, the horrors of today's most unlawful industries, and of course, sex: naughty, delicious good-girl-gone-bad sex. If you haven't already, I recommend you start this series now.

Source: Complimentary copy provided by author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review (thank you!).