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Book Review of Water for Elephants

Water for Elephants
Water for Elephants
Author: Sara Gruen
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Book Type: Paperback
acreech12 avatar reviewed on + 2 more book reviews

At first, I was skeptical about this book. Mostly because I don't really read stuff about animals, much less circuses. But when I began it, the first chapter opened with the most surprising part of the book that I had no choice other than to keep reading. I finished in a week. The parts where Jacob is an older man were something I found hard to read, because it made me sad but it also pointed out the realism that even the greatest of people grow old and eventually die.
This book was very well written. I loved the secret love story, the trouble Jacob caused, and I even loved Walter and his dog.
I cried a lot, especially when something happened with the animals and especially Rosie.
Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone, no matter their preferred genre. I'm going out tomorrow to rent the movie so that I can compare them :) *even though most movies never compare to their book counterparts