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Book Review of Big Sky Homecoming (Montana Marriages, Bk 3) (Love Inspired Historical, No 267)

Big Sky Homecoming (Montana Marriages, Bk 3) (Love Inspired Historical, No 267)
jjares avatar reviewed on + 3465 more book reviews

Perhaps I didn't get much from this story because it is the third novel in a trilogy. It is the only one I read in the series. I don't intend to read the others, this one was too slow. The main characters spent most of their time inside their heads, ruminating over the same things again and again.

One of the things I really liked about this story was the kindness demonstrated towards Billy by Duke and the Bell family. One of the things I did not like about this novel was the lack of consequences for the villain.

Duke Caldwell is just back from a year's visit with relatives in Philadelphia. He truly believes in the family's motto: Honor above all. We see that he is kind because he has brought back a young man (with mental challenges) because no one in Philadelphia really wanted him.

Duke grew up with the young woman on the next farm, Rose Bell. Although Duke likes Rose, there has been enmity between the families; Duke's father thinks the Bell's cheated in the way they got their land. This is Mr. Caldwell's perception; he is rich enough and cantankerous enough to hire a foreman to harass the Bell's -- trying to get them to leave. Over the years, the attacks and accidents have become more dangerous and costly.

Rose has watched the escalation in tensions with concern and rising fear. When Duke returns, Rose asks him to intercede with his father to bring an end to the hard-feelings. Duke returns to Rose, assuring her that the hostilities have been called off. Rose isn't so sure.

The ending, with the final confrontation just didn't ring true (for me). ***SPOILER ALERT *** Rose confronting Mr. Caldwell with her little speech seemed hokey. Now this conflict has been going on for 8 years. On the strength of Rose's words this big land-owner craters and decides to stop harassing his neighbor. Right. I didn't buy it.

Montana Marriage
1. Big Sky Cowboy (2014)
2. Big Sky Daddy (2014)
3. Big Sky Homecoming (2015)