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Book Review of Medjugorje: The Message

Medjugorje: The Message
reviewed Medjugorje by Wayne Weible on + 109 more book reviews

I just finished the book titled Medjugoreje by Wayne Weible and this is my uptake on it. I give the book 3 points. I think I would have been a little less subjective and a little more on the investigative side and put my interviews in an order that came first and that was not so subjective. God bless Wayne but if he had written putting his emotions and personal story at the end and not first it would have lent more authenticity and less biasedness.

The pros of this book for me are that after reading the book I think that the visions by the children of the village on the mountain were most likely true and I think that it was meant to strengthen them and draw them toward God and good works not to show off ones spirituality by recreating the events in the sanctuary and in the choir room and cause others to desire such manifestations.The children are not somehow any more special than you or I and yet their honesty in retelling their story calls out to us that we not fall away from our first love, our love for God. I find some fault in the fact that the children where asked to continue to call on Mary in prayer in public and asked to meet at the church to continue to appear so as to cause the appartition to reappear daily within the church and choir room, and mind you this was something that the children witnessed themselves while in deep prayer, and that for me was sacred and for them only and it is my opinion that is should not have carried on for so long. What I am startled by is not that these children witnessed such a miracle I am startled by the fact that so many think its special. If you serve God with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength God will do Glorious things in your life. Maybe and hopefully not this dramatic but even greater things and you dont need to see, hopefully, an appartition inorder to make God the center of your life. I am happy these children had that experience for God does say that the kingdom of God is of such as them. May this draw us to serve God with the same child like faith that these children have and despite not seeing such unusual sites still believe in Jesus for our salvation.
My objections with the book are that after the aparitions on Mt. Krizevac where not only the group of 6 children witnessed the Mary appartition but the entire village as I understand it as well and that in my opinion is where it should have remained and isolated wonderful outdoor mountainside experience. I believe it should have stopped at that point. Inviting the children to continue to meet in prayer meetings was very wrong in my opinion. Every Christian should have a prayer life as full as the ones the visionaries have and while in prayer should feel and know the presence of God Himself and His saints. So I think they went a tad overboard when they began to focus on daily having the visionaries speak to Mary in prayer for to me we all should be praying and not highlight these childrens experience beyond telling of the mountain side visions. Just my thoughts and feelings on this matter.
Mary appearing to them on the mount is a true miracle but everything preceding that is merely a strong faith and strong prayer life which we all can and should have and the visionaries are not special in that aspect. They are however blessed to have Mary appear on the mount to them and speak to them there. I know some might say that is upsurd but angels spoke to shepards on a hillside, God spoke in a burning bush, and not all visions are physical manifestations they are spiritual manifestations. I do not think that we should ask for such things to happen to us but I will not take away from what God did for these children on the mountain and for what God is doing to strengthen others to believe in Gods love and mercy. I am glad it was children and not adults and I am glad they were of differing ages as well for that leads to more credibility. Whats so funny is my family said to me upon realizing I was reading this book that is was crazy to believe little kids about such a thing and said that if they were teenagers it would be more credible. I then read the story and couldnt wait to tell them the children were in fact mostly teenagers.
So I do believe the children and their visions of Mary but beyond that it is pushing toward forcing these children to continue to bring about some kind of manifestation and that is wrong. I do believe it happened and I do believe the children are blessed as is the town and the mountain and the village and for that reason I would like to go there myself.
I do not pursue such manifestations but I know that a sincere and faithful prayer life can be just as Holy and Blessed as these childrens experiences. I say God Bless them and the town and all who go there to seek the Holy Spirit and His guidance.

I would like to go to Medjugoreje, Yugoslovia and walk that beautiful Mt. Krizevac and attend mass at St. James church but not before I should go to the Holy Land of Isreal and walk the same roads that Jesus walked and go to the garden of Gethsemane and swim in the Jordan River for He alone is my Saviour. I say honor Mary as the mother of Jesus and ask her for help in your prayers but never put her before Jesus and God.Amen