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Book Review of ADHD: A Complete and Authoritative Guide

ADHD: A Complete and Authoritative Guide
reviewed on + 1164 more book reviews

This was a helpful, but slightly dry read about many aspects of ADHD. They try to make it accessible by including some information in the form of questions and answers. It covers the entire age span, offers clear information about which treatments are proven to work, which treatments are known to not work, and which treatments have not had enough controlled studies to determine whether or not they work. Working with schools and their legal obligations to your child, the use of medications in treatment, and the social implications for those diagnosed are also discussed. While not a page turner, I think anyone motivated by the recent diagnosis or suggestion of ADHD in their child would find it honestly helpful. New ideas for me included the concept of medication dosing at an optimal level for each individual child which means raising the dose even after the first signs of improvement are seen. (A higher dose might lead to even more improvement, and if there are no side effects for the child, it's clearly better). Directly involving the child in treatment planning from day one was also emphasized.