I like reading biographies because you see parts of a life, an industry, a community, even a nation that you probably wouldn't on your own, first hand. You can see how some have lived out their passion and purpose, and the part of the world their life touched is changed.
I think this is a book about a life like that. Although Mr. Hoffa quit formal education at 14, that did not deter him from working hard, learning, and improving his life as well as those around him.
From Oscar Fraley's epilogue:
"His mind was sharp and his memory amazingly retentive as to dates, names, places. An avid reader, he spoke knowledgeable and with deep conviction on a variety of subjects including economics, finances, politics..."
I think this is a book about a life like that. Although Mr. Hoffa quit formal education at 14, that did not deter him from working hard, learning, and improving his life as well as those around him.
From Oscar Fraley's epilogue:
"His mind was sharp and his memory amazingly retentive as to dates, names, places. An avid reader, he spoke knowledgeable and with deep conviction on a variety of subjects including economics, finances, politics..."