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Book Review of Ladies With Options

Ladies With Options
Bernie avatar reviewed on

This takes place in Minnesota! That in itself is half the fun.

From Booklist:
Members of a Saturday morning club in Larksdale, Minnesota, in 1983 venture timidly into the alien world of investing. This group of eight mostly married, mostly middle-aged, mostly Methodist members soon become the Larksdale Ladies Investment Club, resembling the much-heralded Beardstown Ladies of several years ago. Eventually these novices strike gold through investments in new companies such as Intel and Microsoft, thanks to insights from the group's sole young member--a pink-haired rebel named Skye. Hartwick intertwines the investment naivete of the club's eight members with their own personal development. Their financial savvy grows along with the portfolio's value, as does their control over their own lives and the influence they wield in their communities. In this rosy take on small-town life, nearly everyone experiences a crisis of some sort and works her way through it with the support of the group. And the men in their lives, mostly abusive or sly scoundrels, barely stand a chance as the women grow wiser and more fulfilled, not to mention wealthy beyond imagination.