Helpful Score: 2
For the most part, I really enjoyed this book. I only recently read it after watching the film adaptation again (I love the movie, by the way). I wanted to read this non-stop, it felt very real to me. I felt like the characters were people that I could really know, the situations they found themselves in felt like something a friend could be going through. I felt sad for the two main characters, Sarah and Todd. They were both so lonely and were "stuck" at this point in their lives. I didn't agree with everything that they did, the choices they made throughout, but I did understand them. I did think the Ronnie character was not too well developed, I felt like there wasn't much to him and wasn't 100% sure his story was relevant to everything else going on. In this film adaptation, I found myself feeling badly for Ronnie, but his character is a lot different in the book. Also, I was somewhat disappointed with the ending of the book. I felt like the author had just decided to abruptly end the book and kind of pulled it out of thin air. Don't get me wrong, I did very much enjoy this book, I just thought it had some weak spots. All in all, I do recommend this book. It is raw and definitely is not for everyone.
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