I was ready to give up on this series, this book was the last chance for me. I was getting so tired of the Dutch/Abby soap opera, because that's what the relationship was like, an annoying, whiny, immature soap opera. So, I was sooo glad when they broke up and Abby went to Colorado. "Finally!", I thought. But guess what, it's not Dutch/Abby I don't like, it's the way the author writes romance that I don't like. I will never understand a woman who is attracted to a man that treats her like a child. And it seems that all Abby's love interest are going to go down that road. Duffy wasn't as bad as Dutch, but seriously, when he called her "Dollface", I threw up a little in my mouth. I don't know if I can stomach any more of Ms. Laurie's "romance", which is to bad since I like the mystery and the psychic twist.
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