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Book Review of The Way Of The Master: How to Share Your Faith Simply, Effectively, Biblically-- The Way Jesus Did

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Helpful Score: 2

Do you shy away from sharing the true gospel message with others, unsure of what to say, afraid of rejection and ridicule?

That's not what Jesus did.

Jesus was not afraid to shake people up. He spoke openly of their sinful nature and the righteousness of God. He forced people to confront their sin head-on, and He brought them face-to-face with their need for salvation -- because He loved them.

Who do you know who isn't saved? If they died tonight, where would they spend eternity? Do you care? If so, what are you doing to help them?

The Way of the Master will put a great tool into your hand and will teach you how to share the message of the gospel simply, biblically, and without fear -- the way Jesus did! You will become equipped to confidently lead anyone -- friend, family member, coworker, neighbor, or stranger on the street -- to a clear understanding of repentance and what it means to be a true and active follower of Jesus Christ.

* * * * * *

"Compelling and arresting book."
Dr. D. James Kennedy

". . . I feel like I've just been saved. That fresh, innocent, free, new relationship with Him . . . That's what the book did for me . . . It is wonderful . . . a great book!"
Ted Haggard, New Life Church, Colorado Springs

"Powerful, well-written, well-executed, and enormously thought-provoking. I wrestled with it, struggled over it, pondered it. I think you are absolutely right."
Ron Beers, Senior Vice President--Tyndale House Publishers

"I have over one thousand books on evangelism, soul-winning and revival in my personal library and none of them are worthy to be compared to this book."
R. W. Jones, President, Word of Truth Ministries

"I am at a loss for words. Overwhelming, distressing, and enlightening. I feel as if I have just taken a drink of water from a fire hydrant!"
Jason Stewart, San Diego

"I have also just completed, The Way of the Master and in my opinion is the best book ever written on Evangelism. I have read many of the reformed writers: Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, AW Pink, J.I. Packer, James White, R.B. Kuiper, John Piper, John MacArthur and other Puritan writers. These writers are obviously gifted and inspired and have made an impact on the world, but I believe that, The Way of the Master will rank in the top most important books ever written on Evangelism; it ranks with and in my opinion is better than Spurgeons's, Soul Winner which I must say has been one of my all time favorites." Ron Begin, Florida


Absolutely Incredible
If you read one Christian book besides the Bible, make it this one. That's right. This is the most important book you can read besides the Bible. I have been avidly reading Scripture and theology books for a while now, but even with a great deal of knowledge, this book has opened my eyes and by God's grace enabled me to become a constantly bolder witness for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I absolutely cannot recommend it highly enough. This is the best money you will ever spend.
Greg Pickle (TN)

Next to a Bible one of the best things you can buy at Amazon
Please buy this book. Please, please, please. It's easy to read, and trust me, it will revolutionize the way you approach witnessing for Christ.
Dave (Gondor)

Modern Christianity's wakeup call!
This book should be REQUIRED reading in every church (next to the Bible, of course)! If the teachings in this book were to actually catch on, we would likely see an unprecedented revival! The truths revealed in this book have the potential [to] revitalize the modern church from the inside out! Powerful stuff!!!
Freedom Slave

This book truly rocked my world and changed my life . . . my whole concept of God, Christianity, life and evangelism have been dramatically changed forever. I have read many books, and this is by far the best, hands down.
W. Matson