Janice T. (rubyswan) reviewed on + 63 more book reviews
I read a Reviewers review : Defy Not the Heart by Johanna Lindsay so in turn it bought me back to. Linda Howards Angel Creek I read the book but feel head over heels in *love* with the audio version.
With Ms. Howards story >*Angel Creek*< it pulled me in. I was there I had emotions & feelings that interact with those that were involved in the Read. This story fed my cravings for what my taste called for. a delicacy thats became mine own acquired taste on my tongue. The kind of love & passion my heart does yearn.
I think she has a pleasing & tasty way through her work of feeding U some good stick ta ya rib cuisine. I like to call it filet mignon with potatoes whereby the same token having U huger for a moiré..! Dee/heroine in Angel Creek for she was a spit fiery woman
she didnt apolized about it, her passion shine & burn through her witch eyes it drawed in any red-blooded virile man too, but there was a soft vulnerable side to her.
For I can truly can say its not a good feeling to bury a parent U see I unexpectedly found my Mother dead it was an ordeal I never thought Id face.(2 yrs now) This kind of pain hurts way down to the bone it's not one U gets over easy or could be taken likely.
.Maybe if Ms.Howard would gave more food for though in word upon the Romance pages would it really allow the Reader to see into the heart of the Heroine?
Most average people can read about certain tragedies but does it penetrate the Readers heart?
Does it deeply touch them or it Only effect them if it's someone they care about?
Another author that work that does penetrate ones heart deeply is Catherine Anderson. She rocked it out with *Annie's Song*..wowweee U felt Annie's pain) I think Dee needed the healing power of Love as well.
Dee didnt have time to lie down & die. That inner strength she may have inherited sprang upward like an endless fountain. Yes indeed,she's a Woman I consider of great substance. Dee definitely was an independent trying to single handedly holds the fort down.
I consider Dee a strong willed breed woman ,as was the Hero Lucas Cochran all alpha breed. Dee character is what I truly L@@k for a special kind of traits that's apart of the DNA one of my favorite heroines DNA carries.In so being qualifies her to be.. A full fledge Sheroooo!
With that being said the book Defy Not the Heart seems to have similarities as wellhmmmm.
I found Dee to be the most endearing Heroine.
She was that diamond in the rough.
Literally speaking ((giggle)) given because of the setting or Western era.
During that time I encountered folk to be superstitious, I thought some thought that there was a mysterious aura that surround the heroine, a striking young woman with the witch green eyes but I thought she in all her way exudes that personification; an undiscovered Jewel that was looked over, belittled or pushed aside & not appreciated for neither her beauty nor her great value. From head to toe all around, a living breathing liberated Woman.
It makes me think about others/heroines of her nature back then where they were who they were or were R they...helloo Romance Writers out there.
Frankly speaking I am in utterly orgasmic Awe, when I read about such great women of this time. U dag blasted blue blazzin Right by all means, its safe to say my interest & appetite is peaked Evidently on my part being a hopeless Romantic I for one always crave want to feed this insatiable huger for more Reads especially of such heroine greats !
In a time when...helloooooo women did not have a voice!
I am honored Time after time when I lovingly go back reread Angel Creek especiallySarahs Child my forever Love**Its with the utmost greatest of pleasure to revisit these 2 considering there R a lot of Ms.Howard Im gifted to enjoy for my reading pleasure thereby I have the Right moreless the privilege to my choosing .
A colorful array of a humongous amount of Fabulous Reads to pick from past, present time even now!
Dee one of my many, many favorite heroines to choose from collection of Linda Howards greats.
Dee is one of those amazing women to behold also of her time with unique strengths &gianamorous courage ta boot! In my opinion it would not have matter if her Happy Ever After ended with her bare foot & pregnant included a house filled with kids.nope, no Dee paid her dues earned her right pound for pound in flesh the weight in Gold her blood.
Rightly soooo deserving with any Woman I can see in Past & Present time NOW has every right to follow their dreams, lifes love & passion. Go for it let it do what it do!I Felt extremely deeply touched by her life situation within her story.
I saw her harsh labored sweat& ever single tear shed also she cried down through the years.
Even though Dee doesnt wear her heart on her sleeves (some probably would have called her a whiner or spineless woman.) I dont know why but it seems in society it's still a taboo for a woman to complain about how she feels..hmmm..women R human too!
Within the book I felt comprehend that proverbial image of the pink elephant with poke-a-dots pass by ever so often to let me know it was awful for Dee..sigh*
I saw did as I would see other women as well as me Free spirits whether by my own choosing in the world.
If she decided to become or was a sheep herder or started her on Circus Id be cheering her on U go for it sister friend cause shes one of my most favorites of heroine, my Shero!
Lastly I loved Lucas Cochran the hero a hard lovin & powerful passionate man. Now thats my kinda man. Much kudos to Linda Howard for killin the pages.
ANGEL CREEK is superbly tight Read whether its Audio or regular Book form! I most definitely by all means would buy another historical Read I cherish my Death Angel Audio*sigh* thankQ Ms. Howard!
With Ms. Howards story >*Angel Creek*< it pulled me in. I was there I had emotions & feelings that interact with those that were involved in the Read. This story fed my cravings for what my taste called for. a delicacy thats became mine own acquired taste on my tongue. The kind of love & passion my heart does yearn.
I think she has a pleasing & tasty way through her work of feeding U some good stick ta ya rib cuisine. I like to call it filet mignon with potatoes whereby the same token having U huger for a moiré..! Dee/heroine in Angel Creek for she was a spit fiery woman
she didnt apolized about it, her passion shine & burn through her witch eyes it drawed in any red-blooded virile man too, but there was a soft vulnerable side to her.
For I can truly can say its not a good feeling to bury a parent U see I unexpectedly found my Mother dead it was an ordeal I never thought Id face.(2 yrs now) This kind of pain hurts way down to the bone it's not one U gets over easy or could be taken likely.
.Maybe if Ms.Howard would gave more food for though in word upon the Romance pages would it really allow the Reader to see into the heart of the Heroine?
Most average people can read about certain tragedies but does it penetrate the Readers heart?
Does it deeply touch them or it Only effect them if it's someone they care about?
Another author that work that does penetrate ones heart deeply is Catherine Anderson. She rocked it out with *Annie's Song*..wowweee U felt Annie's pain) I think Dee needed the healing power of Love as well.
Dee didnt have time to lie down & die. That inner strength she may have inherited sprang upward like an endless fountain. Yes indeed,she's a Woman I consider of great substance. Dee definitely was an independent trying to single handedly holds the fort down.
I consider Dee a strong willed breed woman ,as was the Hero Lucas Cochran all alpha breed. Dee character is what I truly L@@k for a special kind of traits that's apart of the DNA one of my favorite heroines DNA carries.In so being qualifies her to be.. A full fledge Sheroooo!
With that being said the book Defy Not the Heart seems to have similarities as wellhmmmm.
I found Dee to be the most endearing Heroine.
She was that diamond in the rough.
Literally speaking ((giggle)) given because of the setting or Western era.
During that time I encountered folk to be superstitious, I thought some thought that there was a mysterious aura that surround the heroine, a striking young woman with the witch green eyes but I thought she in all her way exudes that personification; an undiscovered Jewel that was looked over, belittled or pushed aside & not appreciated for neither her beauty nor her great value. From head to toe all around, a living breathing liberated Woman.
It makes me think about others/heroines of her nature back then where they were who they were or were R they...helloo Romance Writers out there.
Frankly speaking I am in utterly orgasmic Awe, when I read about such great women of this time. U dag blasted blue blazzin Right by all means, its safe to say my interest & appetite is peaked Evidently on my part being a hopeless Romantic I for one always crave want to feed this insatiable huger for more Reads especially of such heroine greats !
In a time when...helloooooo women did not have a voice!
I am honored Time after time when I lovingly go back reread Angel Creek especiallySarahs Child my forever Love**Its with the utmost greatest of pleasure to revisit these 2 considering there R a lot of Ms.Howard Im gifted to enjoy for my reading pleasure thereby I have the Right moreless the privilege to my choosing .
A colorful array of a humongous amount of Fabulous Reads to pick from past, present time even now!
Dee one of my many, many favorite heroines to choose from collection of Linda Howards greats.
Dee is one of those amazing women to behold also of her time with unique strengths &gianamorous courage ta boot! In my opinion it would not have matter if her Happy Ever After ended with her bare foot & pregnant included a house filled with kids.nope, no Dee paid her dues earned her right pound for pound in flesh the weight in Gold her blood.
Rightly soooo deserving with any Woman I can see in Past & Present time NOW has every right to follow their dreams, lifes love & passion. Go for it let it do what it do!I Felt extremely deeply touched by her life situation within her story.
I saw her harsh labored sweat& ever single tear shed also she cried down through the years.
Even though Dee doesnt wear her heart on her sleeves (some probably would have called her a whiner or spineless woman.) I dont know why but it seems in society it's still a taboo for a woman to complain about how she feels..hmmm..women R human too!
Within the book I felt comprehend that proverbial image of the pink elephant with poke-a-dots pass by ever so often to let me know it was awful for Dee..sigh*
I saw did as I would see other women as well as me Free spirits whether by my own choosing in the world.
If she decided to become or was a sheep herder or started her on Circus Id be cheering her on U go for it sister friend cause shes one of my most favorites of heroine, my Shero!
Lastly I loved Lucas Cochran the hero a hard lovin & powerful passionate man. Now thats my kinda man. Much kudos to Linda Howard for killin the pages.
ANGEL CREEK is superbly tight Read whether its Audio or regular Book form! I most definitely by all means would buy another historical Read I cherish my Death Angel Audio*sigh* thankQ Ms. Howard!