promoteliteracy reviewed on
Helpful Score: 1
Meh. Not fantastic but not totally unworthy either. I question a few things one being the translations of certain Urdu, Dari,& Pashto words/phrases. There is also some editing that wasn't caught. As far as story line/plot; it was decent but also had a few questionable situations. One being the issue of, would a woman brutally raped in a foreign nation not just once but multiple times, fall in love with a Pakistani man and "make love" to him all within a few weeks? Especially when she's so ill with "bugs" she can barely move? Doubtful. There's more but, to write would give away key points so I won't spoil. If you don't take the writing and story too seriously and just find the point in its loose concept then it can still be an enjoyable read with some quality concepts but, if you're really hardcore and expect your books to be completely error free and the story line to not have contradictions then you may want to pass on this one. For an author's first write though - it's not all that horrible.