From the back of the book: "Everlasting Horror.... The little girl saw it, saw the evil that had been bequeathed her by the house that had bedeviled her ancestors. And there was no escaping it. It lived at the lonely mansion off the New England coast...it followed her...possessed her...and it would not die.
Dr Gaylord Carew, acquainted with such supernatural phenomena, had been called to Witch House by the child's mother in a desperate attempt to break the spell. But neither the mother nor Dr. Carew was fully prepared for the rage of the powers of darkness--or for the terrifying retribution that threatened all who dared defy the black will of Witch House."
Dr Gaylord Carew, acquainted with such supernatural phenomena, had been called to Witch House by the child's mother in a desperate attempt to break the spell. But neither the mother nor Dr. Carew was fully prepared for the rage of the powers of darkness--or for the terrifying retribution that threatened all who dared defy the black will of Witch House."