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Book Review of Legislating Immorality: The Homosexual Movement Comes Out of the Closet

Legislating Immorality: The Homosexual Movement Comes Out of the Closet
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Review of book, Legislating Immorality by Grant and Horn
I recommend this book to all parents in America as we face a moral dilema in our country. I have purchased this book again, its just too good to not re-read and share with others. Valuable information in this book. A must read!
I guarantee after reading this book you will be enraged but my advice is to stay calm and join together with others to stop them!
Quote: Much of the material you will read in these pages will shock you. end quote
That is an understatement! This book is now my top book of the year and maybe even a lifetime. Compassion is a must, but lets not fall into the past mistakes of Christian and moral etiquette of loving our enemies to the point of embracing that which is evil! This book will be the vaccine, symbollically, we parents can use to innoculate our country against the virus of homosexuality that is not only a sweeping pandemic but killing off youth like a wild fire consumes forest. (INF. NOT IN BOOK) If you check out the current CDC of those who have died of aids you will note, something GLSEN, PFLAG,GLAAD, GLO,wont tell, that from 2004 to 2007 their is a remarkable and shocking increase in aids deaths in the 13-17 yo age groups. Our kids are being lied to in droves and recruited into a sexual carnival of which they may never return. They need us more now that ever to stand up and protect them.As important and necessary as this book is I find it, above all books on this subject, the most heart wrenching and yet Holy Spirit directed book ever written to expose the lies we have been forced to believe regarding the homosexual movement. What I like most about this book are his credible sources and the quotes from their own advocates work to undermine their own movement in such a way as to become the very instrument by which we can destroy the throat hold homosexuality has over our present country. Everyone has choice, everyone deserves a right to live unpersecuted, they dont hold to the same rules however that they place upon society. My story at

Highlights from book:

Quote: Much of the material you will read in these pages will shock you. end quote
Only 1% of homosexual men die of natural causes.
Kirk and Madsen tell of their desires to rape our sons in any way they can.
A survey by two homosexual men proved that 3/4 of homosexual men have had sex with young boys. According to their own writers they dont see anything wrong with seducing boys, and seem to get more jollies from raping known heterosexual boys.

Places not to leave children unattended are:
The public restroom is no longer safe for children to be using unattened due to it being the daring rendezvous for homosexual men.

Page 34 Promiscuity among homosexuals is well known..Promiscuity is much more prevalent among male homosexuals than female homosexuals, but even female homosexuals tend to be promiscuous by heterosexual standards. Quote by Frank M. Du Mas clinical psychologist

Page 39 We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your house of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions to do our bidding. They will be recast in our image; they will come to crave and adore us. end quote by homosexual revolutionary.

Page 44 In their book promoting the acceptance of homosexuality in America, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen confess: Although it seems incredible that gay men could be so reckless, may...take their cue from William Burroughs, who speaking through one of his characters in Queer, declared of a straight boy with which he wished to have sex, " So he's not queer. People can be obliging. What is the obstacle?"...We were once informed by a cheery gay acquanintace, that, trapped in the crush of a recent rock concert audience, right behind a thirteen year old boy, he had taken advantage of the horrified youths inablity to move away.end quote.

Karen Greenlee, lesbian quotes about her success over societies repressed sexuality says, For awhile I found myself thinking, Yeah this isnt normal. Why cant I be like other people?...The reason I was having problems with it was because I couldnt accept myself..To accept it was to accept peace. She was referring to sex with a dead body!

This book is one of the rare book I have purchased more than once and share it often as I can so others will understand what I went through and what kind of darkness we are dealing with here. I give this book a 5.